1.1 Effective date
These terms and conditions take effect on January 1, 2007 and supersede
the version dated January 1, 2006.
1.2 Definitions
Unless provided herein, the definitions shall be those used in the Public
Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations for non‑executive
group employees.
1.3 Delegation
A deputy head may authorize any person employed in his or her department to
exercise any of the powers, functions or duties of the deputy head under these
terms and conditions.
1.4 Legal status
Students are defined as employees under the Financial Administration Act
and the Government Employees Compensation Act. However, they are not subject
to the Public Service Staff Relations Act, and an exclusion order under the
Public Service Employment Act precludes their eligibility for closed
competitions while they are working as students.
2.1 Application
This section applies to all students participating in a non‑paid
assignment program, such as the Secondary School Co‑op Education
2.2 Hours of work
Non‑paid assignments are usually arranged on a half‑day basis.
This does not preclude other scheduling arrangements that the student, school
and manager might negotiate. Assignments with working days longer than the
standard 7.5‑hour working day are not appropriate.
2.3 Travel allowance
The delegated manager may pay the student a travel allowance of up to the
value of a "round‑trip" daily or monthly public transit fare,
whichever is less, between the student's school, work site and home, or the
2.4 Workers' compensation
Managers must ensure that an authorized work-education agreement precedes
any student assignment. Under this agreement, the relevant school
administration must provide workers' compensation for the student, in case
the student is disabled by a workplace injury.
3.1 Application
This section applies to all persons engaged under one of the employment
programs described in Student Employment Programs in the Federal Government.
3.2 Hours of work
The delegated manager shall set the student's hours of work consistent
with the relevant collective agreement and departmental practice.
3.3 Relevant collective agreement
(a) The relevant collective agreement shall be the collective agreement of the
predominant group whose duties the student is understudying or performing in
part during the assignment period.
(b) All letters of offer shall clearly state the relevant collective agreement.
(a) Subject to these regulations and any other enactment of the Treasury Board,
a student assigned under one of the student employment programs is entitled
to be paid a biweekly salary for the services rendered, at the appropriate
pay rate (see Appendix A – Student Rates of Pay).
All rates also apply to formal apprenticeship programs.
3.5 Overtime
(a) A student shall be compensated for overtime according to the relevant
collective agreement, provided
- the delegated manager required the student to work overtime;
- the student did not control the duration of the overtime period; and
- the delegated manager certifies the duration of the overtime worked, and
authorizes the compensation.
(b) Notwithstanding the payment options under the relevant collective agreement, a
student may not be compensated for overtime in the form of compensatory leave.
3.6 Acting pay
Students are not entitled to acting pay.
3.7 Other benefits
Students are entitled to the following benefits, to be administered in
accordance with the provisions of the relevant collective agreement:
- call‑back pay;
- standby pay;
- reporting pay;
- shift and weekend premium;
- pennological factor allowance;
- travelling time; and
- overtime meal allowance.
3.8 Bilingualism bonus
Students are not entitled to the bilingualism bonus.
3.9 Leave with pay
With the exception of bereavement leave, a student is not entitled to leave
with pay.
3.10 Vacation pay
In lieu of vacation, students are entitled to vacation pay, equal to four
per cent of their total regular and overtime earnings.
3.11 Designated holidays
(a) A student on full‑time assignment is entitled to pay for a designated
holiday, provided he or she is not on leave without pay on the working day
preceding and the working day following that holiday.
A student on part‑time assignment shall not be paid for the designated
holidays but shall, instead be paid based on the principles found in the
relevant collective agreement.
For students engaged in foreign assignments, delegated managers may substitute
the equivalent number of local designated holidays falling within the
specified work terms.
3.12 Bereavement leave
Every student shall be granted bereavement leave for a period of up to three
consecutive calendar days, to include the day of the funeral, when a member of
the immediate family dies. Such leave is to be without pay for the first three
months of continuous employment, and with pay thereafter.
Immediate family is defined as father, mother (or alternatively stepparents,
foster parents), brother, sister, spouse (or common‑law spouse residing
with the student), dependent child, stepchild, ward,
father‑in‑law, mother‑in‑law and relative permanently
residing in the student's household or with whom the student permanently
3.13 Sick leave
Students are not entitled to paid sick leave and do not accrue sick leave credits.
3.14 Other leave
The delegated manager may grant leave without pay for any purpose, but not
beyond the specified period of the student's assignment.
3.15 Lay‑off
(a) A student with at least three months of continuous employment who is laid off
before the end of his or her assignment without being given two weeks'
notice shall receive compensation in lieu of notice. In cases of termination
of employment for disciplinary reasons, refer to section 3.19 Discipline.
(b) The compensation will equal two weeks' pay or pay to the end of the
specified period of the assignment, whichever is less.
If the student is re‑assigned to the Public Service before the end of
the period for which compensation had been paid, he or she shall repay that
part of the compensation representing the time from the date of
re‑assignment to the end of the original compensable period.
3.16 Security clearances
Where required, students must have appropriate security clearances.
3.17.1 General
(a) The following provisions apply to all Canadian students engaged under one of
the student employment programs.
(b) Students must not be paid a salary while travelling, except when in travel
status once engaged.
(c) The manager may decide the mode of transportation to be used by students
travelling to and from their educational centres. Travel must be arranged by
the most economical and practical means. The Government Travel Service (GTS)
shall be used, where practical, to make travel reservations immediately, once
the student accepts employment, in order to obtain the lowest fare, with open
return tickets when economical and practical. Departments shall maintain a
separate Departmental Travel Account and Travel Authority Number (TAN)
Register for student travel of this nature.
(d) Travel by private motor vehicle may be authorized. In such cases, the
applicable kilometric rate is the employee‑requested rate (Appendix B of
the Travel Directive), plus the necessary costs incurred en route for tolls
for roads, ferries, bridges and tunnels.
Students required to travel on official government business travel during the
work period are eligible for the employee defined reimbursement, as published
in the Travel Directive.
(f) During the work period, students who are assigned to field parties may, at the
discretion of the manager, be given board and lodging while employed in the
field. This would normally be done in the same circumstances in which board
and lodging would be provided to indeterminate employees.
3.17.2 Domestic travel
(a) Actual and reasonable transportation expenses may be paid, up to a maximum of
the most economical air fare available for travel by employees which provides
a standard of travel comparable to that provided by major airlines for the
most direct routing at the time of travel, for
(i) travel from a Canadian educational centre to the reporting place or workplace
and, return travel on completion of the assignment
- to the original educational centre, or
- to another educational centre where the student will continue his or her
education, provided that this does not increase the transportation costs; and
travel from an educational centre located outside Canada to the reporting
place or workplace and, on completion of the assignment, return travel as
described in (i) above.
In addition to transportation expenses provided under paragraph (b), a
student may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $200 per return trip, for the
combined miscellaneous expenses incurred at the start or at the end of a given
period of continuous employment. This provision is intended to offset such
additional costs as the return shipment of personal effects and temporary
accommodation on arrival. Receipts are to be provided, when available. The
honour system applies, at the discretion of the employer, when receipts are
not available.
3.17.3 USA
and international travel
(a) For assignments outside Canada, the delegated manager may:
- reimburse the student any proportion of actual transportation expenses between
the student's home (or educational centre) and the reporting place or
workplace, up to the Apex air fare published by the Department of Foreign
Affairs and International Trade for travel by employees which provides a
standard of travel comparable to that provided by major international airlines
for the most direct routing at the time of travel.
- reimburse the student up to a maximum of $250 per return trip, to help offset
miscellaneous costs incurred in transit to the reporting place or workplace or
on arrival at home (or educational centre).
- authorize payment of a daily post allowance of up to 65 per cent of the
meal rate for dinner, as established under the Travel Directive for the
workplace. A lesser allowance may be given, depending on living cost at the
workplace, student availability and program budget.
While the variable rates for assignments outside Canada give managers
operational flexibility to respond to changing economic conditions, they are
to be applied consistently to all students engaged at the same workplace.
3.18 Isolated post allowance
Students assigned to work in an isolated post, as defined in the Isolated
Post Directive, are eligible for the relevant environment allowance, the
living cost differential, and the fuels and utilities differential, based on
the classification of the post.
Subject to any other enactment of the Treasury Board, the deputy head may:
- establish standards of discipline for students on assignment; and
- prescribe, impose, vary or rescind, in whole or in part, the financial and
other penalties, including suspension and termination of assignment, that may
be applied for breaches of discipline or misconduct.
3.20 Part‑time assignments
Compensation for students working in part‑time assignments shall be
based on the principles found in the students' relevant collective
3.21 Continuous employment
If a student employed under a student employment program is subsequently
appointed to the Public Service, assignments may be counted as continuous
employment, provided they meet the relevant criteria of the applicable terms
and conditions of employment.
1. Rates of Pay for Secondary School Students
Table A:
Effective January 1, 2007
Yukon, Nunavut and NWT
Atlantic Provinces
Toronto Metropolitan Area
Ontario, excluding Toronto Metro
Vancouver and Victoria Metropolitan Areas
British Columbia, excluding Vancouver and Metro
Table B:[1]
Academic Levels
Effective January 1, 2007
Application of 2007 rates of pay for secondary school students:
1. As of January 1st 2007, the
use of a universal pay scale has been approved to provide managers with
increased flexibility in determining rates of pay.
In 2007, managers can either use the provincial rate table A or the
universal scale rate table B which allows managers to pay the students at
any step above the minimum rate, under any of the following circumstances:
1.1 When the students are re-employed (as defined by
the Public Service Commission for the purpose of recruitment and referral of
1.2 When the students have relevant previous work
1.3 When there is a shortage of students in the field
of study required.
Managers should be mindful of the need for equity and consistency in
recommending a pay rate for secondary school students during the transition
year 2007. For 2008, only the universal rate scale will be used for
secondary school students.
2. For assignments requiring secondary
school education, managers may offer the assignment to post-secondary
students and pay them the secondary school rate of pay only when secondary
school students are not available.
Rates of Pay for Post‑Secondary School Students
Academic Levels
Effective January 1, 2007
College / Cegep
Application of 2007 rates of pay for post-secondary students:
1. Rates of pay are determined at the
initial appointment or reappointment stage and are based on the student's
current academic level.
2. Since January 1st 1999, the
rates of pay are not directly related to the number of years of study.
Organizations have delegated authority to offer students a salary within a
salary range for a particular academic level. It is recommended,
however, that departments ensure uniformity in student rates of pay within
the organization.
3. The rates of pay are designed to provide
managers with a certain amount of flexibility, which means that
managers can pay the students at any step above the minimum rate, under any
of the following circumstances:
3.1 When the students are re-employed (as defined by the Public
Service Commission for the purpose of recruitment and referral of students);
3.2 When the students have relevant previous work experience;
3.3 When the students have completed more than one (1) year of
study in their present academic program;
3.4 When there is a shortage of students in the field of study
3.5 When the students are undergoing a second college or university
undergraduate degree;
3.6 When a university degree or year of study is required as a
prerequisite for another program, such as a bachelor of law, education,
medicine, pharmacy or veterinary sciences program.
4. The rate of pay selected should allow
for a meaningful progression in the salary range on subsequent assignments.
5. Students enrolled at a university in a
pre‑university year are to be remunerated at the college/cegep level.
6. Students who:
- have completed a university
degree, and
- continue their studies at a
college in a related field of study
are to be remunerated at the step in the salary range for university
undergraduate studies which is not less than the salary earned in the
previous year.
3. Research Affiliate Program
Since September 1st 1996, deputy heads are authorized to set a
stipend in lieu of a salary. The stipend should reflect the
corresponding hourly, weekly or monthly rate established for other
post-secondary students for their completed years in their current field of
4. Rates of Pay for Departmental Programs
Rescue Program (Fisheries and Oceans)
Effective January 1, 2007
University Undergraduate Step 3 ($13.11)
University Undergraduate Step 7 ($17.17)
Employment Centres (Human Resources Development Canada)
Effective January 1, 2007
Summer Employment Officers
University Undergraduate Step 2 (12.26)
Senior Summer Employment Officers
University Undergraduate Step 4 (14.02)
Guide Program (Veterans Affairs Canada)
Effective January 1, 2007
University Undergraduate Step 2 (12.26)
Guides (Call-back)
University Undergraduate Step 3 (13.11)
Senior Guides
University Undergraduate Step 4 (14.02)
2007 is a transition year. Managers can either choose table A or table