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You are viewing a preserved web page, collected by Library and Archives Canada on 2007-11-16 at 07:18:55. The information on this web page may be out of date and external links, forms, search boxes and dynamic technology elements may not function. See all versions of this preserved page.
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Snap Judgments: New Positions in Contemporary African Photography
Until 6 January 2008
Inuit Sculpture Now
Until 18 November 2007
Early Twentieth Century British Wood Engraving
Until 2 December 2007
Garry Neill Kennedy: Superstar Shadow 1984-2005
Until 21 December 2007
National Gallery of Canada Annual Public Meeting
3 December 2007 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Thursday 15 November from 7 to 11 pm
Mini Talk
Thursdays 15 and 22 November at 12:15 pm
PD Day at the NGC
Friday 16 November from 9 am to 4 pm
Meet the artist (Pascal Grandmaison)
Friday 16 November at 12:15 pm
Meet the artists (Snap Judgments)
Sunday 18 November at 1 and 2:30 pm
Off-the-wall art workshop
Saturday 24 November from 1 to 4:30 pm
Family Fundays
Sunday 25 November between 11 am and 4 pm
See "Maman" live from National Gallery of Canada Plaza webcam
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