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Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Payment of fees through the Internet

The following fees can be paid on the Internet: View the Process Flow for on-line payment.

Before using this on-line service, please ensure that you have:
  • completed the appropriate application(s) for service(s) you will be paying
  • a valid email address for delivery of official CIC receipt
  • your credit card ready
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer (this is required to view and print the official CIC receipt)
  • access to a printer
  • JavaScript enabled on your browser
[Get Adobe® Acrobat Reader] Your receipt will be stored in Adobe® Acrobat .pdf format. You can download the Acrobat Reader software directly from the Adobe site if you need a copy.

Please visit the FAQ section of this Web site for answers to frequently asked questions.