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Home > Politics and Economy

Topics: Politics and Economy

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Breaking the Ice: Canada and the Northwest Passage
Topic timespan: 1959-2006

Revolution and Evolution in Modern China
Topic timespan: 1948-2005

Topic: Breaking the Ice: Canada and the Northwest Passage

It's been called "the Arctic Grail." For centuries, European explorers were obsessed with the quest for a route around...
(10 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Revolution and Evolution in Modern China

"When the sleeping dragon awakes," Napoleon once said of China, "he will shake the world." In the 20th century,...
(11 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

À la prochaine fois: The 1980 Quebec Referendum
Topic timespan: 1976-1990

Separation Anxiety: The 1995 Quebec Referendum
Topic timespan: 1994-1995

Topic: À la prochaine fois: The 1980 Quebec Referendum

Do you want "a new agreement with the rest of Canada, based on the equality of nations"? That was...
(11 TV Clips, 15 Radio Clips)

Topic: Separation Anxiety: The 1995 Quebec Referendum

"À la prochaine fois!" (Until next time!) promised René Lévesque after the 1980 Quebec referendum. Fifteen years later, on...
(16 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

René Lévesque's Separatist Fight
Topic timespan: 1967-1980

Phil Fontaine: Native Diplomat and Dealmaker
Topic timespan: 1990-2003

Topic: René Lévesque's Separatist Fight

In the 1960s, René Lévesque made the prospect of a separate Quebec a reality. A shrewd politician, he gathered...
(8 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Phil Fontaine: Native Diplomat and Dealmaker

Don't be fooled by his soft-spoken and conciliatory manner. Phil Fontaine has been a dominant force in native politics...
(7 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Jeanne Sauvé, a Woman of Firsts
Topic timespan: 1961-1993

Fished Out: The Rise and Fall of the Cod Fishery
Topic timespan: 1958-2004

Topic: Jeanne Sauvé, a Woman of Firsts

When describing Jeanne Sauvé, it's hard not to think of the word "first." She was the first woman MP...
(9 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Fished Out: The Rise and Fall of the Cod Fishery

It's greedy, it's ugly and it's built to last. For more than 500 years the Atlantic cod was the...
(11 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Selling Suds: The Beer Industry in Canada
Topic timespan: 1961-2005

Ed Broadbent: A Voice from the Left
Topic timespan: 1968-2004

Topic: Selling Suds: The Beer Industry in Canada

Canadians love their beer. And from the time Canada's first brewery opened in the 1600s, the history of our...
(16 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Ed Broadbent: A Voice from the Left

As leader of the NDP, Ed Broadbent was a democratic socialist who loved to smoke cigars and drive fast...
(12 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Voting in Canada: How a Privilege Became a Right
Topic timespan: 1945-2004

Rethinking Riel
Topic timespan: 1966-2004

Topic: Voting in Canada: How a Privilege Became a Right

In Canada's early days, only a select group of privileged men could vote. Now it's a fundamental right for...
(10 TV Clips, 10 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Rethinking Riel

Who was Louis Riel? The Métis leader commanded two rebellions in western Canada and was tried, convicted and hanged...
(11 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Tommy Douglas and the NDP
Topic timespan: 1935-2001

Fighting Words: Bill 101
Topic timespan: 1976-1989

Topic: Tommy Douglas and the NDP

Tommy Douglas was the most influential politician never to be elected Prime Minister. He pursued his radical ideas...
(4 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Fighting Words: Bill 101

On March 31, 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld Quebec's language law but ruled that the province must...
(14 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Hog Wild: Canada's Pork Industry
Topic timespan: 1980-2000

Stranger than Fiction: The Bre-X Gold Scandal
Topic timespan: 1996-2000

Topic: Hog Wild: Canada's Pork Industry

From back bacon to smoked ham, Canada exports over $2 billion of pork, making us one of the world's...
(8 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Topic: Stranger than Fiction: The Bre-X Gold Scandal

It had all the elements of a great novel: a dramatic rags to riches story, a mysterious suicide (or...
(9 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Battle for Aboriginal Treaty Rights
Topic timespan: 1971-1999

Constitutional Discord: Meech Lake
Topic timespan: 1987-1990

Topic: The Battle for Aboriginal Treaty Rights

It's a battle over the land and its resources. The fight has taken place on the land, in the...
(12 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Constitutional Discord: Meech Lake

Unfinished business brought the First Ministers back to the constitutional bargaining table in 1987. Many Canadians felt uneasy...
(14 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Turbulent Skies: The Air Canada Story
Topic timespan: 1939-2006

Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution
Topic timespan: 1968-2002

Topic: Turbulent Skies: The Air Canada Story

When Air Canada first took flight in 1937, the sky was the limit for the country's new national airline....
(12 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution

It was a hard-fought coming of age for Canada. From the 1960s through the early 1980s, Canadian politicians...
(10 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Pelts, Pups and Protest: The Atlantic Seal Hunt
Topic timespan: 1958-2003

Concentration to Convergence: Media Ownership in Canada
Topic timespan: 1960-2003

Topic: Pelts, Pups and Protest: The Atlantic Seal Hunt

Those beseeching eyes were impossible to avoid. In the 1970s images of fuzzy white seal pups were everywhere as...
(12 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Concentration to Convergence: Media Ownership in Canada

In the world of mega mergers and convergence, there's growing concern about a monopoly of ideas. Reporters argue increased...
(10 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Robert Bourassa: Political Survivor
Topic timespan: 1966-1996

At Loggerheads: The Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute
Topic timespan: 1982-2003

Topic: Robert Bourassa: Political Survivor

Robert Bourassa made history in 1970 by becoming the youngest premier of Quebec, only to suffer a humiliating defeat...
(8 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: At Loggerheads: The Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute

Canada and the United States are the world's largest trading partners, but there's one thing they've never agreed on:...
(19 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Death Penalty Debate
Topic timespan: 1962-1987

Mr. President Goes to Ottawa
Topic timespan: 1943-2003

Topic: Death Penalty Debate

"You shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead." A judge has uttered these words to 1,300...
(8 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Mr. President Goes to Ottawa

He is the most important leader in the world. And even though the country may not always like what...
(16 TV Clips, 3 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Trans-Canada Highway: Bridging the Distance
Topic timespan: 1948-2003

The Road to Bilingualism
Topic timespan: 1963-1982

Topic: Trans-Canada Highway: Bridging the Distance

It's the world's longest national highway. At 7,821 kilometres, it stretches from Victoria, B.C., to St. John's, Nfld., and...
(5 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Road to Bilingualism

"Canada is now in the greatest crisis of its history," reported the Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. In 1963,...
(12 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
Topic timespan: 1985-1997

Has Confederation Been Good for Newfoundland?
Topic timespan: 1948-2002

Topic: Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

It was the most controversial agreement of its kind in Canadian history. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's vision of...
(12 TV Clips, 2 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Has Confederation Been Good for Newfoundland?

Joey Smallwood said it was the narrowest of escapes. Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949 by a referendum result of...
(4 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Trudeau's Omnibus Bill: Challenging Canadian Taboos
Topic timespan: 1967-1970

The 'Other Revolution': Louis Robichaud's New Brunswick
Topic timespan: 1755-1970

Topic: Trudeau's Omnibus Bill: Challenging Canadian Taboos

"There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." Those unforgettable words made famous by...
(4 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The 'Other Revolution': Louis Robichaud's New Brunswick

They called him a man of destiny, and indeed he was. Louis Robichaud was born to a large...
(15 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Georges Erasmus: Native Rights Crusader
Topic timespan: 1983-2002

Canada's Constitutional Debate: What Makes a Nation?
Topic timespan: 1867-1964

Topic: Georges Erasmus: Native Rights Crusader

Georges Henry Erasmus has a dream: Self-government for the native peoples of Canada. The charismatic native leader has devoted...
(4 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Canada's Constitutional Debate: What Makes a Nation?

In its first hundred years, geography was Canada's most obvious tie that binds. On almost all other issues,...
(2 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Bombardier: The Snowmobile Legacy
Topic timespan: 1937-1974

The Auto Pact: En Route to Free Trade
Topic timespan: 1965-2001

Topic: Bombardier: The Snowmobile Legacy

Joseph-Armand Bombardier was a shy, determined mechanic who dreamed of building a vehicle that could "float on snow". ...
(11 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Auto Pact: En Route to Free Trade

In 1965, a landmark agreement with the United States transformed Canada's tiny car-making industry into a world leader. The...
(13 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Berger Pipeline Inquiry
Topic timespan: 1973-1978

Striking Oil in Alberta
Topic timespan: 1947-2000

Topic: The Berger Pipeline Inquiry

It was going to be the biggest private construction project in history. But before a pipeline could be built...
(10 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Striking Oil in Alberta

One spewing geyser of oil at Leduc, Alta., on Feb. 13, 1947, transformed the province's economy. Until the oil...
(9 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Creation of Nunavut
Topic timespan: 1999

The Birth of Medicare
Topic timespan: 1944-1980

Topic: Creation of Nunavut

On April 1, 1999, the new territory of Nunavut was born, finally making the controversial dream of the Northwest...
(11 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Birth of Medicare

Since Tommy Douglas helped usher in Canada's medicare system in 1967, it has earned the envy of the international...
(9 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Great Canadian Flag Debate
Topic timespan: 1964

Politics, Sex and Gerda Munsinger
Topic timespan: 1966-2001

Topic: The Great Canadian Flag Debate

For nearly a century Canada had no distinctive national flag. Each time Canadians suggested a new symbol to...
(12 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Politics, Sex and Gerda Munsinger

If Lucien Cardin had kept his mouth shut on March 4, 1966, the sensational political sex scandal may have...
(10 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Equality First: The Royal Commission on the Status of Women
Topic timespan: 1967-2001

Trudeaumania: A Swinger for Prime Minister
Topic timespan: 1968-1971

Topic: Equality First: The Royal Commission on the Status of Women

The Royal Commission on the Status of Women, called by Prime Minister Pearson in February 1967, held the notion...
(3 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Trudeaumania: A Swinger for Prime Minister

In 1968, a swinger ran for prime minister. Canadians had never before seen anyone like Pierre Elliott Trudeau in...
(11 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Scandals, Boondoggles and White Elephants
Topic timespan: 1873-2002

Maurice Duplessis
Topic timespan: 1956-1999

Topic: Scandals, Boondoggles and White Elephants

Pepper spray, tainted tuna and miracle cucumbers have all played their part in Canada's long tradition of political misconduct....
(12 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Topic: Maurice Duplessis

Maurice Duplessis's death was a rare historical marker, forever discussed in terms of before and after. Before his...
(6 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

"On This Day"