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Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics

The National Research Council of Canada's Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (NRC-HIA) manages Canada's involvement in major astronomical observatories in Hawaii and Chile, thereby ensuring Canadian astronomers full access to world-class facilities spanning the entire sky.

NRC-HIA also operates two of Canada's premier astronomical facilities: the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (Victoria, BC) and the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (Penticton, BC).

In astronomy, scientific progress is closely linked to technological innovation. Instrumentation experts at NRC-HIA develop state-of-the art devices that are critical to the research of world-class observatories in Canada and abroad. NRC-HIA is also a leading force in data management, archiving, and distribution.

Industrial collaborations and technology transfer are high priorities at NRC-HIA. The Institute has helped several industry partners win major contracts and establish a competitive presence on the world market.

As well as its services to the research and business communities, NRC-HIA maintains an active outreach and education program to the public at large. This includes a year-round interpretative centre, the Centre of the Universe, in Victoria, BC.

DRAO Synthesis Telescope
DRAO Synthesis Telescope

National Research Council-Conseil national de recherches Canada
Published: 2003-11-17
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