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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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NRC - Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
About the Program
About the Lifestyle
How to Apply
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Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics

NRC-HIA Plaskett Fellowship

The Plaskett Fellowship is awarded to an outstanding, recent doctoral graduate in astrophysics or a closely related discipline. Fellows conduct independent research in a stimulating, collegial environment at NRC-HIA's Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria, BC, Canada; staff expertise is in observational astrophysics, but we welcome applications from theoreticians whose research requires close interaction with observers. The award is for a maximum of three years; the initial appointment for a period of two years may be extended for one further year (subject to performance and availability of funds). There are normally at least three Plaskett Fellows and competitions are held regularly to maintain their number.

Appointees are eligible to apply for Canadian time on ALMA, CFHT, Gemini and JCMT, to use the optical and radio telescopes operated by NRC-HIA in Victoria and Penticton, and/or to apply for time on other facilities with open proposal processes. Other facilities available to Plaskett fellows include professionally managed computers and the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre, which archives CFHT, CGPS, FUSE, Gemini, HST, JCMT and other data, and operates the Canadian Virtual Observatory. NRC-HIA is a leading developer of instrumentation for ground- and space-based telescopes, and fellows may, if they wish, participate in development or commissioning of new instruments, as well as on science teams.

The deadline for applications for the 2008 award of the Plaskett Fellowship is 31 December 2007. Earlier application is strongly encouraged; the review of applications will commence on 19 December 2007. The recipient will be selected in late January 2008 and will take up the Fellowship by the end of 2008. To be eligible, applicants must have received their Ph.D. no earlier than 2003 for this year's competition.

The Plaskett Fellowship offers a highly competitive salary and benefits package.

If after exploring the remainder of this site you have any questions, please contact us at plaskett@nrc.gc.ca.

Plaskett Fellows

Panoramic view from NRC-HIA Victoria
View from NRC-HIA Victoria

Date Modified: 2007-11-15
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