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Canadian Journal of Chemistry

Canadian Journal of Chemistry


Published since 1929, this monthly journal reports current research findings in all branches of chemistry. It includes the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical-theoretical chemistry and newer interdisciplinary areas such as materials science, spectroscopy, chemical physics, and biological, medicinal and environmental chemistry. Full papers, preliminary communications and review articles are all welcomed.

Information and services

Impact factor: 1.153
ISSN: 1480-3291

Information for authors
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The Canadian Society for Chemistry has chosen the Canadian Journal of Chemistry as its principal medium of publication of research papers.

Senior Editor

Dr. R.H. Lipson

Dr. R.H. Lipson — University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Lipson is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Western Ontario. He has published widely in the field of gas-phase molecular spectroscopy using short wavelength lasers, and is also actively involved in photonics research and technique development for mass spectrometry. Dr. Lipson is the recipient of the Florence Bucke Science Prize, and is currently a principal investigator with the Ontario Photonics Consortium and Director of the Western Institute for Nanomaterials Science. He also serves as a member of the Ontario Centre for Photonics Technical Advisory Board.



Experimental Physical Chemistry

Dr. Derek G. Leaist, St. Francis Xavier University

Organic Chemistry (French manuscripts)

M. André B. Charette, Université de Montréal

Natural Products (structure, synthesis, biosynthesis)

Dr. Andrew J. Bennet, Simon Fraser University

Physical Organic Chemistry

Dr. William J. Leigh, McMaster University

Inorganic, Bioinorganic, Organometallic

Dr. Warren Piers, University of Calgary

X-ray Crystallography

Prof. J. Wilson Quail, University of Saskatchewan


Dr. Arvi Rauk, University of Calgary

General Organic (English manuscripts)

Dr. Victor A. Snieckus, Queen's University


Dr. Gregory Jerkiewicz, Queen's University

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Molecular Spectroscopy

Dr. Roderick E. Wasylishen, University of Alberta

Materials Chemistry

Dr. Yining Huang, The University of Western Ontario

All other topics

Send to the editorial office address below.

Editorial Advisory Board

R. Stanley Brown (Queen's University, Canadian Society for Chemistry representative), N. Burford (Dalhousie University), J. Burnell (Dalhousie University), C.M. Crudden (Queen's University), C. Detellier (University of Ottawa), M.L. Klein (University of Pennsylvania), C. Lucy (University of Alberta), Todd B. Marder (University of Durham), Martin Moskovits (University of California at Santa Barbara), E. Plettner (Simon Fraser University), J.-C. Richer (Université de Montréal), Robert J. Silbey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), R.R. Tykwinski (University of Alberta), Suning Wang (Queen's University)

Editorial manager

Judy Murdoch (email: jmurdoch@uwo.ca)

Editorial assistant

Tammy Lipson (email: tlipsonc@uwc.ca)

Editorial office

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, 1151 Richmond Street, London, ON N6A 5B7 Canada

Tel.: 519-661-2111 ext. 86359 (Senior Editor)
Fax: 519-434-9214
Email: canjchem@uwo.ca or rlipson@uwo.ca (Senior Editor)

Indexed in

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; CAB Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents; EMBASE; Engineering Index; ETDE Energy Database; General Science Index and Abstracts; GeoRef; Index Medicus; Life Sciences Collection; PASCAL Database; Physics Abstracts; Science Citation Index


Managing Editor Judy Busnarda 613-993-0994
Publication Officers Robert Roaldi, Tamer El Bokl
Editorial Publication Assistant Olivier Nguyen-Huu
Desktop Publishing Technician Margaret A. Smeth
Graphics Technician Estelle Laperrière Murray
Web Technician Dennis Cafferty