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Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Published since 1971, this monthly journal features articles, reviews, notes and commentaries on all aspects of forest science, including biometrics and mensuration, conservation, disturbance, ecology, economics, entomology, fire, genetics, management, operations, pathology, physiology, policy, remote sensing, social science, soil, silviculture, wildlife and wood science, contributed by internationally respected scientists. It also publishes special issues dedicated to a topic of current interest.

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Impact factor: 1.549
ISSN: 1208-6037

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Dr. Cindy E. Prescott

Dr. Cindy Prescott — University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dr. Prescott is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia. A forest ecologist specializing in nutrient cycling and forest nutrition, she is the author of more than 70 peer-reviewed articles. She received the Canadian Forestry Scientific Achievement Award from the Canadian Institute of Forestry in 2005.

Dr. Doug Maynard

Dr. Doug Maynard — Pacific Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada

Dr. Maynard is Team Leader of the Soils Research Group at the Pacific Forestry Centre of Natural Resources Canada. A soil scientist specializing in soil disturbance effects on forest productivity, he is the author of more than 40 peer-reviewed articles and reports.


Associate Editors

J. Antos (University of Victoria), J. Bauhus (Universitat Freiburg), T. Beardmore (Canadian Forest Service), T. Beckley (University of New Brunswick), L. Bernier (Université Laval), P.Y. Bernier (Canadian Forest Service), R.A. Blanchette (University of Minnesota), J. Bousquet (Université Laval), G.E. Bradfield (University of British Columbia), C. Carcaillet (Université Montpellier 2), D. Cown (New Zealand Forest Research Institute), L. Daniels (University of British Columbia), M. Darveau (Ducks Unlimited Canada), Y.A. El-Kassaby (The University of British Columbia), T.J. Fahey (Cornell University), M. Flannigan (Canadian Forest Service), P. Fulé (Northern Arizona University), J. Gan (Texas A & M University), S. Grayston (The University of British Columbia), R.A. Haack (USDA Forest Service), R.G. Haight (USDA Forest Service), G.R. Hodge (North Carolina State University), S.B. Horsley (USDA Forest Service), A. Kangas (University of Helsinki), S. Kant (University of Toronto), D. Kneeshaw (Université du Québec à Montréal), R. Kozak (The University of British Columbia), H. Kraiger (Slovenian Forestry Institute), M. Krasowski (University of New Brunswick), D. Kreutzweiser (Canadian Forest Service), T. Kuuluvainen (University of Helsinki), M. Lamhamedi (ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec), M. Lavigne (Canadian Forest Service), F. Lefèvre (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), K.J. Lewis (University of Northern British Columbia), V.J. Lieffers (University of Alberta), M. Luckert (University of Alberta), D. Martell (University of Toronto), P. Martikainen (University of Joensuu), T.A. Martin (University of Florida), N. McDowell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), P. Millard (Macaulay Land Use Research Institute), P. Muir (Oregon State University), P. Newton (Canadian Forest Service), D. Paré (Canadian Forest Service), C.J. Peterson (University of Georgia), A. Ringvall (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), A. Robinson (University of Melbourne), A. Smolander (The Finnish Forest Research Institute), M. Starr (University of Helsinki), B. St-Onge (Université du Québec à Montréal), T. Sullivan (University of British Columbia), N. Thiffault (ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune), S. Thomas (University of Toronto), L. Vesterdal (University of Copenhagen), R. Wagner (University of Maine), L. Zhang (State University of New York), S.Y. Zhang (Forintek Canada Corporation)

Editorial Office Manager

Donna Hartson — University of British Columbia

Editorial Assistant

Vicky Tran — University of British Columbia

Editorial office

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Forest Sciences Centre, Suite 2005, 2424 Main Mall, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada

Tel.: 604-822-0272
Fax: 604-822-0214
Email: cjfr.office@ubc.ca

Indexed in

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; Biological Abstracts; Biological and Agricultural Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents; Elsevier BIOBASE; Engineering Index; Environmental Abstracts; ETDE Energy Database; GEOBASE; Life Sciences Collection; PASCAL Database; Science Citation Index


Managing Editor Cecily Pearson 613-993-9099
Publication Officers Lea Libiseja, Laura Stewart, Peter Burke
Editorial Publication Assistants Luc Julien, Diana Leck
Desktop Publishing Technician Julianna Krakowski
Graphics Technician Estelle Laperrière Murray
Web Technician Dennis Cafferty