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METRIK, Personnel Psychology Centre

Code P

What is Code P?
Code P is a specific language proficiency designation used in the language profile of a bilingual position. Specifically, Code P is used in exceptional situations where specialized or expert language competency is required for a position. The two relevant situations that are referred to in the Standards for Selection and Assessment, Section I are:
[Specify qualifications - Official Language Profile]

  1. language skills acquired through specialized training (e.g. dicta typing; dictation using shorthand; proofreading; writing, revising, and/or editing tests; translation; interpretation);

  2. specialized or expert proficiency in one or both official languages (e.g. teaching English or French; designing or developing programs for teaching English or French).

Note that the Code P designation is attached to a particular job, not to a person. This is because language qualifications are specific to a job and requirements may differ in other positions. As such, a hiring department cannot, in a selection process, screen in only those candidates who already have a Code P in the language profile of their current job. Similarly, if an employee has a job where Code P is required, he/she cannot transfer the Code P to another position.

When is Code P used?
Managers may decide to use Code P when translation or editing form a large part of a particular job. The position of the P in the language profile indicates which official language and which language skills (reading, writing, and/or oral interaction) require the specific proficiency designation. Take for example an editing job with a profile of PPC/CCC, which corresponds with the following table:

Reading Writing Oral
English P P C
French C C C

The job incumbent would require specialized language skills in Reading and Writing in English. This would represent first language requirements in reading and writing for candidates whose first language is English, and second language requirements for those whose first official language is French.

How is Code P assessed?
When evaluating the language skills required for a bilingual position which includes Code P requirements, the hiring department itself is responsible for evaluating the specialized or expert language requirements. Consider, for example, a bilingual position with the following profile:

Reading Writing Oral
English B B B
French P P P

With respect to the English language requirements (BBB): For candidates whose first official language is English, the hiring department evaluates the requirements, using its own assessment methods or generic Public Service Commission (PSC) tests such as the Written Communication Test or Written Communication Proficiency Test. For candidates whose first official language is French, the English language requirements are assessed using PSC Second Language Evaluation instruments.

With respect to the French language requirements (PPP): The department evaluates the specialized or expert reading, writing and oral interaction language requirements using their own assessment methods. This is done for all candidates, regardless of first official language. The hiring manager and the Selection Board are in the best position to determine the acceptable level of proficiency for Code P requirements. It is recommended that departments assess Code P competencies through a work sample which closely resembles the actual tasks the incumbent will be doing. For example, for a position where a great deal of text revision is required, the department could provide candidates with a document similar to what is seen on the job and ask them to revise it in accordance with specific guidelines and constraints. Note that, generic PSC language and communication tests are generally not appropriate for assessing Code P requirements.

For more information, see:
*Public Service Employment Act, Subsections 16.2 and 16.3. Go to: Click on Subsection 16 - Consideration of Applications.

*Personnel Psychology Centre's Assessing for Competence Series. Go to: Determining the Linguistic Profile for Bilingual Positions.

Standards for Selection and Assessment. Go to: CR under Section 2 - Group-Specific Standards.