If you want to use any part of a CRA publication (such as a guide, return, or schedule) in your advertising, you must first ask for our approval. In your request, indicate which publication you want to use and provide us with a sample of the advertisement. Send your request to the following address:
Canadian Government Publishing
Crown Copyright and Licensing
Public Works and Government Services Canada
4th floor, 350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0S5
We monitor the activities of electronic filers to ensure that they comply with our requirements. This maintains a high standard of quality for electronic returns and transmissions. If an electronic filer does not comply with these requirements during the program, we will issue warning letters as required and can suspend EFILE privileges.
We monitor such items as the following:
We periodically request copies of the T1153 Form from each electronic filer. SEND privileges may be revoked if the forms we request are not provided in the time frame that we specify.
We will advise electronic filers of problems originating in branch offices. If there are repeated or continuing problems with a particular branch office, the "parent" will be required to drop that office from the program. Failure to take corrective action with the problem branch will lead to suspension of the "parent." Such a suspension will apply to all returns filed by an electronic filer, including all branch offices.