Welcome to EFILE On-Line and EFILE On-Line Plus, automated services that allow you to electronically file your client's current year tax returns to the CRA via the Internet.
Please review the different features available for EFILE On-Line and EFILE On-Line Plus. Based on these differences, you can determine if you want to participate in one or both services.
EFILE On-Line Plus
The validation process used to either accept or reject the return is based on the same logic for both.
To ensure secure transmissions, encryption of data is mandatory. It is accomplished through the use of a browser enabled 128-bit SSL encryption process, which is available for download at no charge.
The menu items on the left side of the Web site pages provide more information about both EFILE On-Line and EFILE On-Line Plus. Before going to these pages, please see our legal obligations.
Please note, if you need specific assistance with EFILE, contact your EFILE help desk. However, if you have comments or suggestions on improving EFILE On Line services, please feel free to send us an email. The emails are not monitored on a constant basis.