How to navigate the cellphone maze

Monday, November 19, 2007 | 10:02 AM ET

By Peter Nowak,

Today begins our week-long look at cellphones. Why so much attention to a seemingly innocuous gadget? Our senior producer Ian Johnson explains, but in a nutshell - we're on the cusp of a massive change. If you think the internet revolutionized our lives, recent moves by Google and Apple mean the mobile internet is finally starting to materialize - and it's going to change our world even more. Secondly, and more specific to Canada, with an upcoming auction of public airwaves, our government is on the verge of deciding whether our cellphone industry is going to enjoy the status quo, or whether there's going to be a shakeup with new carriers entering the market.

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Canadians take responsibility for environment: poll

Thursday, November 15, 2007 | 10:30 AM ET

by Eve Savory,

If Canadians had their way, Canada would be a global leader on fighting climate change, winning praise and respect for its policies.

The latest Environics poll found 67 percent of Canadians want their country to be the leader or at least among the leaders. True to their “green” image, Vancouverites believed that more strongly than people anywhere else.

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Wording climate change policy no easy task

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 | 09:49 AM ET

by Eve Savory,

It’s a task to give pause. First, visualize thousands of peer-reviewed studies on climate change, already boiled down to three massive volumes and their summaries. Your job is to sum up the whole thing in just five pages. And do it in layman’s language.

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Admiring the view off Vancouver Island - undersea style

Friday, November 9, 2007 | 04:56 PM ET

by Eve Savory,

Barring some intervention by the sea-gods, in about a year the world will be able to see
beneath the surface of the Pacific ocean off the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Live. In real time.

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Extinctions could cut plant productivity in half

Friday, November 9, 2007 | 09:52 AM ET

by Eve Savory,

In a study that has startled even its authors, scientists have concluded that the extinction of plant species can reduce an ecosystem’s ability to support life by up to fifty percent.

It’s called "productivity" and what a plant produces is essential to life on earth: oxygen. That’s not all. Plants produce food in crops, fibre in trees, clean water, and biofuels. And they suck the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

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What's an album worth online?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 | 04:11 PM ET

by Jennifer Wilson,

What's an album worth when you launch it online? Most fans say nothing, according to Radiohead's latest experience.

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Chalking up a triumph for mechanical friends

Monday, November 5, 2007 | 05:02 PM ET

by Eve Savory,

Maybe it was the robot’s gorgeous blue eyes, maybe it was the way he giggled when they touched his head. Whatever the reason, toddlers in a University of California San Diego experiment accepted a breakdancing, singing robot as a peer — convincing researchers the technology is almost ready for prime time.

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Canadians fare well in cross-continent solar car race

Friday, November 2, 2007 | 03:58 PM ET

by Paul Jay,

Last week we mentioned the 2007 Panasonic World Solar Challenge, a road race in Australia for 41 solar-powered cars. Well the results are in, and the Canadian teams of university students posted some good results and one award winner.

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War should be heard not seen

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 | 04:04 PM ET

By Peter Nowak,

Continuing with the science-fiction theme of the week... the British military is on the verge of becoming the real-world equivalent of Star Trek's Romulans by introducing cloaking devices on their tanks. The vehicles use cameras and projectors to display background scenery on their armour, making them blend in with their surroundings.

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Return of the X-Files

Monday, October 29, 2007 | 03:25 PM ET

By Peter Nowak,

Where are Mulder and Scully when you need them? NASA agreed over the weekend to go back and search its archives for information about a UFO incident in 1965 in Pennsylvania as a result of a journalist's lawsuit. New York-based Leslie Kean sued the space agency four years ago for information pertaining to the crash, saying the public had a right to know. It now looks like a judge agrees with Kean.

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Tech Bytes. Archives »


World »

Cyclone deaths in Bangladesh top 3,100
The death toll from a cyclone that struck the coast of Bangladesh last week has risen past 3,100, while survivors of the vicious storm wonder when millions of dollars in promised aid will materialize.
November 19, 2007 | 10:33 AM EST
Death toll reaches 80 as rescuers battle Ukraine mine fire
Rescuers fought a raging fire Monday to try to reach trapped workers in a mine in eastern Ukraine as the death toll climbed to 80.
November 19, 2007 | 7:29 PM EST
Queen's 60th wedding anniversary a first for British monarchy
Thousands braved the rain and chill in London on Monday to help the Queen and Prince Philip commemorate 60 years of marriage, the longest union of any reigning British monarch.
November 19, 2007 | 7:30 PM EST
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Canada »

RCMP use Taser on Chilliwack man during arrest
A Chilliwack, B.C., man was subdued by a Taser on Monday, just hours after the province's top Mountie said he was worried his officers won't use Tasers when they need to in light of angry public reactions to the death of Robert Dziekanski.
November 19, 2007 | 11:57 PM EST
N.S. town bans smoking in cars carrying children
A small Nova Scotia town on Monday became the first Canadian municipality to ban smoking in vehicles when a child is present.
November 19, 2007 | 9:30 PM EST
Crown witnesses not to be trusted, says Pickton defence
The final stretch of the Robert William Pickton trial began Monday morning in B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster with the defence attacking the credibility of key Crown witnesses.
November 19, 2007 | 9:42 PM EST
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Health »

Teenage girls, and increasingly boys, dieting to stay thin: study
While eating less, purging and exercising to stay slim are still largely the preoccupations of teenage girls, teenage boys are starting to follow suit, finds a new study.
November 19, 2007 | 4:50 PM EST
Stress not a big problem, older workers say: study
Older workers say they're not all that stressed due to work, a new study from the University of Michigan suggests.
November 19, 2007 | 8:44 AM EST
Ban kids' toys containing potentially toxic plastics: Ontario parents
Ontario should become the first province to ban Bisphenol A-laced plastic baby and kids' gear to reduce the chance of cancer in adulthood, environmentalists and parents said Monday.
November 19, 2007 | 5:34 PM EST
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Arts & Entertainment»

Canadian director Raymont makes documentary long list for Oscars
Canadian filmmaker Peter Raymont's latest documentary will vie against films by Michael Moore and Phil Donahue in the race to the Oscars next February.
November 19, 2007 | 4:44 PM EST
Fortin landscape sells for $807,500 at auction
A canvas by Marc-Aurle Fortin sold for a record $807,500 Monday during the annual fall sale of important Canadian art held by Sotheby's in association with Ritchies.
November 19, 2007 | 5:52 PM EST
Ronnie Hawkins, Nickelback honoured at SOCAN Awards
Veteran rocker Ronnie Hawkins and polka king Walter Ostanek received major awards this year at the annual gala of the The Society of Composers Authors and Music Publishers of Canada.
November 19, 2007 | 10:44 PM EST
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Technology & Science »

Sony cuts fees for PS3 game developers
Sony has slashed the cost of the software development kit for the PlayStation 3, hoping to spur game makers into creating titles for its struggling console.
November 19, 2007 | 1:02 PM EST
Ancient massive flood kick-started agriculture, researchers say
The flood widely believed to be behind the Noah's Ark story is what kick-started European agriculture, according to British and Australian researchers.
November 19, 2007 | 9:55 AM EST
Robot cockroaches mingle with the real thing
Tiny robots programmed to act like roaches were able to blend into cockroach society, according to researchers at the Free University of Brussels.
November 19, 2007 | 10:27 AM EST
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Money »

TSX falls to 3-month low
Stock markets in Toronto on Monday fell to their lowest levels since August amid broad-based selling on credit fears and lower commodity prices.
November 19, 2007 | 5:36 PM EST
Portus co-founder pleads guilty to fraud; gets 2 years
Michael Mendelson, a co-founder of Portus Alternative Asset Management, pleaded guilty to fraud Monday and was sentenced to two years in prison for his role in the hedge fund's collapse.
November 19, 2007 | 6:53 PM EST
National Bank takes $575M hit from credit crunch
National Bank became the latest Canadian financial institution to lay out the hit it will take from the credit crunch when it said Monday it will take a $575-million charge.
November 19, 2007 | 4:11 PM EST
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Consumer Life »

Recalled toys with lead contamination on sale on internet
Hundreds of toys that were recalled because they were contaminated with lead paint are showing up for sale on the internet, the Consumers' Association of Canada says.
November 19, 2007 | 5:44 PM EST
Loonie's rise spurring cocaine sales in Canada: drug experts
Cocaine traffickers appear to be reacting to the rise of the Canadian dollar and the fall of the U.S. greenback, preferring Canadian and European markets to those in the U.S., say drug experts and medical officials.
November 19, 2007 | 10:48 AM EST
P.E.I. issues warning on border shopping
The P.E.I. government has launched an ad campaign to remind Islanders that if they cross a border to shop or order products online, they still have to pay provincial sales tax.
November 19, 2007 | 1:28 PM EST
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Sports »


Habs retire Robinson's No. 19
Montreal Canadiens legend Larry Robinson had his No. 19 retired to the rafters of the Bell Centre on Monday night.
November 20, 2007 | 4:27 AM EST
Senators too sharp for Canadiens
Chris Neil had a goal and an assist as the Ottawa Senators beat the Montreal Canadiens 4-2 on Monday night.
November 20, 2007 | 2:44 AM EST
Broncos roll over visiting Titans
Jay Cuter passed for two touchdowns as the Denver Broncos beat the Tennessee Titans 34-20 on Monday night.
November 20, 2007 | 4:11 AM EST
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