A. Below, click the part (1, 2, 3 or 4) or schedule of the form where you encountered a problem ;
B. Click on the specific field for which you need information.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, contact your tax services office.
Part 1 | General Information - Lines 100-170 |
Part 2 | Scientific or Technological Project Information - Lines 200 & 206 |
Part 3 | Summary of SR&ED Expenditures - Lines 300-570 |
Part 4 | Background Information - Lines 600-674 |
Schedule A | Third-Party Payment |
Schedule B | Special Situations |
Schedule C | Non-Arm's Length Transactions |
Schedule D | Calculation of the Salary Base and the Prescribed Proxy Amount |
Schedule E | List of all SR&ED projects claimed |
Schedule F | SR&ED Contracts |
Please read Claimants' entitlements and responsibilities