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Suggestions and Comments

If you have a question, comment or suggestion about the Canadian Genealogy Centre, our Web site, programs, partnerships, etc., you can contact us at cgc-ccg@lac-bac.gc.ca. Please include your full name and where you live.

For genealogical inquiries, please use our online form.

You are welcome to visit Library and Archives Canada. Our Genealogy Reference Desk is located in the Reference Room on the third floor. Our consultants can assist you with questions about our sources and direct you to our other services.


Canadian Genealogy Centre
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4



Local calls: 613-996-7458
Toll-free number: 1-866-578-7777
(Canada and the United States)
(10:00-16:00 EST, Monday-Friday, except statutory holidays)



613-992-6969 or 1 866 299-1699




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