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Banner: The Virtual Gramophone
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Cremonaphone playing "O Canada" Video of Cremonaphone playing O CANADA

Opening and hand-cranking of the Cremonaphone Video showing opening and hand-cranking of the Cremonaphone

Edison Opera A phonograph playing "Medley of French-Canadian Airs" Video of Edison Opera A phonograph playing MEDLEY OF FRENCH-CANADIAN AIRS

Hand-cranking and starting of the Edison Opera A playing "Medley of French-Canadian Airs" Video showing hand-cranking and starting of the Edison Opera A playing MEDLEY OF FRENCH-CANADIAN AIRS

Close-up of internal mechanism of Edison Opera A phonograph (no sound) Video showing close-up of internal mechanism of Edison Opera A phonograph

Edison Opera A phonograph playing "J'aime une brune" performed by Hector Pellerin Video of Edison Opera A phonograph playing J'AIME UNE BRUNE performed by Hector Pellerin

View of Cremonaphone Video showing the Cremonaphone

Placing the needle on the Berliner Gramophone and playing "Au clair de la lune" performed Video showing placement of needle on Berliner Gramophone and playing of AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE performed by L. Loiseau by L. Loiseau

Berliner Gramophone slowing down Video of Berliner Gramophone slowing down

Hand-cranking of Berliner Gramophone Video showing hand-cranking of Berliner Gramophone
