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Public Service Commission of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

PIMS Manual: Part VI - Recruitment

To facilitate the use of Part VI of the PIMS Users' Manual, the information for the recruitment component has been divided into six separate components.

Table of Contents

15. General Instructions

As explained in Part III of the PIMS Users'Manual, the main focus of PIMS is to oversee priority entitlements; a separate component of PIMS has been added to incorporate recruitment services offered by the Staffing and Assessment Services Branch of the PSC, for the convenience of departments.

Actions you can choose

The actions are very similar to those available in the previous "Robot" forms which PIMS replaces.

Priority Clearance AND Recruitment

Recruitment Only (where priority clearance has already been obtained or will be obtained later, as in anticipatory recruitment);

Update or Complete a Request (either a priority clearance or a recruitment request);

Cancel a Request (either a priority clearance or a recruitment request)

Post a Job Opportunity for Post-Secondary Recruitment

Request referrals from the Federal Student Work Experience Program

When a Priority Clearance is required, on the main menu select "Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment Services".

When a Priority Clearance is NOT required (e.g.: terms under 12 months depending on the region), on the main menu select "Recruitment Services Only".

When requesting priority clearance and/or recruitment or recruitment services only, the following information is to serve as a guide to assist you in completing the PIMS form. Please note that many of the instructions to assist you in how to complete, update or cancel the form for your request are explained in Part III of the Users' Manual. Please refer to this part of the manual for assistance.

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16. Employment Equity Appointment Processes

When reviewing the information under Appointment Process, this section of the manual will provide helpful hints when requesting Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment or Recruitment Services Only for processes A, B, D, H, J, O, P, Q and T.

PSC and Departmental Employment Equity Programs
Sections A, B, D and H of the PIMS form refer to PSC Employment Equity Programs and Departmentally Approved Employment Equity Programs (approved pursuant to authority delegated by the PSC). To assist you in completing this part of the form, you may wish to consult the information contained in the following links:

  • For information about PSC Employment Equity (EE) Programs and departmental Employment Equity Programs, please refer to Chapter 2- Employment Equity of the Staffing Manual.
  • For information on Employment Equity definitions, please refer to the information described to on our jobs-emplois.gc.ca Website.
  • If you would like to know if your department has a departmental Employment Equity Program and the conditions of delegation, please refer to Appendix 4 - Employment Equity Programs of the Guide to Staffing Delegation.

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17. External Appointment Processes

Section O - Advertised Processes (Open Competition)

General Recruitment - Posting on the Internet (please refer to Posting Information - Section 5)

General Recruitment - Referrals from a PSC Inventory
Our PSC regional and district offices maintain a number of inventories of applicants interested in being considered for positions in the federal government. For more information on the types of inventories maintained, please refer to the Inventories Maintained by PSC Offices.

Section O - Post-Secondary Recruitment
To accompany your clearance request for Post-Secondary Recruitment (PSR) related advertised processes and to learn more about how PSR can benefit your department, please refer to the information at on the Post-Secondary Recruitment Web site.

Section Q - Non-Advertised Process (Open Without Competition)
Named Referrals - General

In section Q of the PIMS form, for non-advertised processes involving named referrals, you may wish to consult the Letter to Heads of Human Resources (Year 2002 - Number 02-37) - Appointments Without Competition from Outside the Public service to obtain information on the criteria used to assess requests for appointments without competition for cases where departments do not have delegated authority to make such appointments. The criteria ensure a consistent application to the decision-making process and achieve an appropriate balance between staffing values and management principles, while ensuring that the appointment is based on merit.

Section Q - Non-Advertised Process (Open Without Competition)
RPL - Recruitment of Policy Leaders Program

If you are identifying an appointment of an individual from the Recruitment of Policy Leaders Program, please complete the following information in the Named Referral section of the PIMS form.

  • Candidate's name
  • Candidate source
  • Statements of Qualifications

NOTE: For RPL clearance requests, you are not required to send a rationale nor are you required to submit the candidate's resume.

Once you have completed the information, click on the "send or continue" button.

More information about RPL can be obtained on the Recruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) Program Web Site.

Section R - Student Bridging Mechanism

For external appointment processes involving the bridging of students, please fill out the section to submit the Statement of Qualifications for the position and then send the clearance request.

More information on student bridging mechanisms can be found in Annex A of Chapter 6 of the Staffing Manual.

Section T - Simultaneous Open and Closed Advertised Appointment Process

Posting on the Internet - Refer to Posting Information..
Referrals from a PSC Inventory - Refer to Section O - General Recruitment, for more information.

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18. Documents to Accompany Request

Clearance requests for named referrals:

Candidate's Resumé - You can copy and paste from your original electronic document into the Clearance Request. If you have a paper copy, you can fax the résumé to the PSC regiona/district office and type "see fax" in the "Résumé" field of the Clearance Request.

Rationale - Include the criteria required by the PSC to assess requests for named referrals. More information can be found in the Letter to Heads of Human Resources (Year 2002 - Number 02-37- Annex A)

All clearance requests:

Statements of Qualifications - You can copy and paste the Statement of Qualifications from your original document into the Clearance Request. Please note that if you have special arrangements with the local PSC office that do not require the submission of the Statement of Qualifications in both languages, simply provide it in one language and in the other data field provide the reason for the omission.

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19. Job Posting Information

For advertised processes, you will be prompted to provide information for the job posting on the Internet on the jobs-emplois.gc.ca Web site.

You will have three options

  • Create new poster
  • Create poster from an existing poster
  • Save information and complete later

The option to create from an existing poster will only be available for those posters which have already been posted in the jobs-emplois.gc.ca website.

Mandatory Information

As you complete the posting information, the following fields are mandatory in English or in French.

  • The URL for your department (Example: www.psc-cfp.gc.ca)
  • Position Title
  • Position Location - Cities
  • Who Can Apply (Example: Persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.)
  • Category
  • Salary
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Knowledge (for Health Canada)

Optional Information to Provide

Other fields which are not mandatory but will provide more information about the job posting are the categories of Work Environment, Challenge and Additional Requirements/Comments.

Work Environment

This field is provided for you to describe the size and nature of the environment for the position.


Transport Canada works to help ensure that Canadians have a reliable, safe and sustainable transportation system to link our communities and to connect us with our trading partners. Helping to maintain and improve the safety and security of our transportation system is Transport Canada's top priority.


This field enables you to describe how the duties of the position fit into the work environment.


This position provides the most senior level of policy and technical direction in the department in the specific area of program and project management related to contaminated sites remediation. Issues addressed are often highly complex and involve the optimization of competing objectives (environmental, economic, social) using sound risk management principles. Decisions of, and direction provided by, the incumbent will have a direct and/or an indirect impact on projects of significant value that will be implemented by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), other federal government departments, agencies, and crown corporations.

Additional Requirements / Comments

This field has been provided for you to add any other information about the position, such as conditions of employment, abilities, skills, etc.


Eligibility lists may be established and used to fill similar positions within the organization.

The employer will not pay travel costs associated to attend an interview nor will the successful candidate be reimbursed for relocation costs.

Persons interested must submit, by the closing date, a complete application consisting of a covering letter which demonstrates clearly that they fully meet the screening requirements as well as a résumé.

Preference may be given to candidates who have experience in the analysis of transportation vehicle components and structures, including either aircraft, ships, railway vehicles or pipelines.

A written exam may be administered.

Poster Preview

This feature allows you to review the information you have entered on the Posting Information page.

Submitting the Clearance Request

The clearance request will not be processed until you have completed the entire "Posting Information" page. If you cannot complete the information in one sitting, then you have the option to "Complete Later." If you choose this option, please note the reference number for the posting information in order to retrieve it in the future for updating and/or completing.

You will be able to access your request through the PIMS menu option "Update or Complete a Request."

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20. Requesting Referrals from FSWEP

For information on the FSWEP, please refer to the following websites.

FSWEP Managers' website

Forms for Requests for Referrals or Re-Employment