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Public Service Commission of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

PIMS Manual: Part III - Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment Requests

New, Update, Cancel

Table of Contents

General Instructions

General Instructions

Although the main focus of PIMS is to oversee priority entitlements, the Priority Clearance Request Form discussed below is bundled, on screen, with separate recruitment services offered by the Staffing and Assessment Services Branch of the PSC, for the convenience of departments. Consequently, though the procedures outlined below refer primarily to priority clearance, they also refer to recruitment services where necessary to make the appropriate links. Departments of course are obligated to make priority appointments before conducting recruitment or internal staffing actions.

Actions you can choose:

You (as the Originator) can access the actions listed below directly from your desktop, by using an electronic Request Form which is linked to the priority inventory and to the desktops of PSC priority and recruitment specialists. The actions are very similar to those available in the previous "Robot" forms which PIMS replaces, with the exception of a new electronic Priority Referral Feedback Form, which has been added in cases where priority referrals are made. The actions include:

Priority Clearance Only (including the appointment of a priority person);

Priority Clearance AND Recruitment

Recruitment Only (where priority clearance has already been obtained or will be obtained later, as in anticipatory recruitment);

Update or Finish a Request (either a priority clearance or a recruitment request);

Cancel a Request (either a priority clearance or a recruitment request); and

Feedback to PSC on Priority Referrals (ie., results of assessments of priority persons)

When is Priority Clearance Required?

Instructions about which staffing actions are subject to priority clearance are in the Staffing Manual, Chapter 5, and viewable via a link on the top of the electronic Request form.

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4. How to Request Priority Clearance (and/or Recruitment)

4.1 How To Complete the form

The electronic form is simple, fast and easy to complete, but please note the following:

1) You cannot save an incomplete clearance request, so be sure to have access to all the information that you will need, including the Statement of Qualifications in electronic format for pasting into the form.

2) Originator's Internet address: It is imperative that the originator enters their email address correctly on the Request form, in order to receive a response from the computer in their email. It is equally imperative that the originator confirm the email address in the box provided in the originator information section of the request form.

3) Position Classification, Job Category, Job Type:

On the Request form, under "Position Identification," enter the occupational group and level of the position being staffed.

Then click on the "Job Categories" drop down list to select a category that best describes the nature of the position being staffed.

Next, click on the grey box that appears below, entitled "Job Categories." This will load the "Job Types" field, with job types that correspond to the chosen job category.

In the "Job Types" box, select from the drop down list of "Job Types" the one which best describes the nature of the position. If the appropriate Job Type is not listed, choose "General." (See Annex A for a complete list of Job Categories and Job Types. This list is also used by all departments and the PSC to register a person with a priority entitlement into the PSC inventory.)

Example 1: The position to be staffed is an EN-ENG-03 Electrical Engineer. You will choose ENGINEERING in the "Job Categories" list and Electrical in the "Job Types" list.

Example 2: The position to be staffed is a CR-04 Finance Clerk. You will choose CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL in the "Job Categories" list and Finance in the "Job Types" list.

You can choose only one job type. It is critical that the job type chosen be a true reflection of the position since the screening by PIMS will be based on these choices.

4) Language. If the department has multiple positions with multiple linguistic profiles, a separate priority clearance request is required for each.

5) Position Location: You will be asked to choose the position location from a drop down menu. Locations are listed alphabetically within the PSC Regional or District Offices which serve you, so look initially at those district headings.

Not all locations in Canada are shown. If the specific location of your position is not on the list choose the broad area in which the position is located (eg, Alberta -North, etc.). If no broad area is shown, choose whichever location is closest. If the location of the position is on the boundary between two areas, choose whichever seems the most "natural." The priority persons in the inventory will have been coded by the PSC to locations corresponding to those on the list, based on where they live and to where they are mobile; in the case of borderline locations, they will have been coded to the neighboring locations.

6) Multiple Position Locations: If you seek priority clearance for multiple similar positions within one location, you can use one request. However, if you have a variety of positions located in more than one of the locations on the drop down list, use separate requests for each location.

7) Statement of Qualifications: You can copy and paste the Statement of Qualifications from your original document into the Request form.

8) Resumé (where relevant for recruitment): Enter or copy / paste from your original document into the form, or fax the résumé to the appropriate recruitment officer (type "see fax" in the box on the Service Request Form).

(For information on the recruitment process, please refer to part 6 of the users' manual.)

4.2 Sending Your Request

The computer program will recognize from the action you have chosen (i.e., clearance only, clearance and recruitment, recruitment only) whether you are submitting the form for clearance or whether you wish to continue to another page for recruitment services (including job posting). The computer will automatically notify you if you make any errors or omissions. If this occurs, make the corrections and "send/continue" again. The computer will then confirm, on the screen, that the message was received.

4.3 Results: Look at Your Emails

You will receive information regarding your priority clearance request, via an email, usually within a few minutes of having sent the request. The details of your request will also be presented in the email, for your reference and files.

The Email Messages and Priority Clearance Numbers

The automated email response will vary according to the type of request and the results of the automated search of the priority inventory.

4.3.1 Emails for Requests for Priority Clearance Only

If there is no potential priority match, the email will include a Clearance Number for the department's files, distinct from the Clearance Request Number. Its validity is subject to monitoring of your search criteria by the PSC. If there is a potential priority match, the email will indicate that a PSC officer will be conducting additional screening; it will also provide a Clearance Request Number.

If all potential matches are eliminated by the PSC during the additional screening, the PSC officer will provide a Clearance Number by email. Otherwise, priority referrals will be made to the department.

Departments will report to the PSC on the results of their assessments of the person(s) referred via the new Priority Referral Feedback Form. A priority Clearance Number will be provided by email if the report is approved.

4.3.2 E-mails for Requests for both Priority Clearance AND Recruitment Services

The computer will inform the originator of the results of the priority search as specified in the previous section.

If there is no priority match, in addition to providing a clearance number to the originator, the email will also notify the originator that the service request and clearance has been forwarded to the PSC officer responsible for recruitment.

If there is a priority match, the PSC priority officer will conduct further screening as necessary. PIMS will forward the request for recruitment only if priority clearance is granted.

4.3.3 E-mails for Requests for Recruitment Services Only

The automated email response will confirm receipt of the Service Request.

If the PSC Recruitment officer thinks it is necessary, he/she will contact the department, by email or telephone, to obtain further information about the recruitment request.

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5. To Update a Priority Clearance Request


You can update any previously issued clearance request unless the change would affect the priority inventory search, in which case a new request is required.

Changes that require a new request include a change to the position's:

Classification, Location, Linguistic Profile (English/French; imperative/non-imperative), Appointment Tenure (Indeterminate vs.. Term), Intended Appointment/Selection Process (e.g., internal/closed vs... external/open).

Procedures for Updates

On the home page for Request for Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment choose "Update." Click on "Continue" to open the "Update or Complete a Clearance Request" page.

In the Search Criteria, simply enter the Request Number of the request you wish to update, choose the department, and click on "Search."

NOTE: the clearance request number is the one that PIMS gave you in the confirmation email. You can also find the request by leaving the request number blank and then selecting the appropriate request from the list presented.

When you click "Search," PIMS presents a row of data per request (one row for a specified Request Number, or as many rows as there have been requests if you had not specified a request number). Click on the Clearance Request Number you want. This opens the original request form.

In the original request form, make the necessary change(s).

Enter in the "Additional Information" box a clear description of what you had changed.

Now, click on "Send." That's it. It's finished.
You will see a "Thank you" message on the screen and get a confirmation email.

PIMS will forward your request to an appropriate PSC officer who will activate the update (either for priority clearance or for recruitment as per the situation)

You (or the originator if you have not changed the email address) will receive an email from the computer to confirm receipt of the update.

NOTE: If you had received priority referrals as the result of the original request, you must advise those priority persons of any changes that would affect them (e.g., a change to the departmental contact information).

NOTE: The Request Number that is displayed by PIMS is not a priority Clearance Number.

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6.To Cancel a Request for Priority Clearance (and/or Recruitment)

You must cancel (not update) a previous priority clearance request and submit a new request if your change requires a new priority inventory search. These are changes to the:

  • Position Classification, Position Location, Linguistic Profile (imperative/non- imperative; English/French), Appointment Tenure (indeterminate vs. term) or the intended Appointment/Selection process (e.g., internal/closed vs. external/open).

You may cancel a previously submitted Request for Priority Clearance and/or or Recruitment Services) sent in error — as long as there had been no priority referrals.

The PSC may cancel a priority clearance request for other reasons (e.g., revocation).

If you have received priority referrals, and have not submitted the Priority Referral Feedback Form, you will not be able to Cancel your Request. Instead, you must complete and submit the Feedback Form. This will inform both the PSC's priority administration group and the PSC's recruitment services of the cancellation.

Procedures for Cancellations (Departments)

On the home page for a Request for Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment choose "Cancel" and click on "Continue." That opens a Search Criteria field, under the heading "Cancel a Clearance Request."

In the Search Criteria, enter the Clearance Request Number of the request you wish to update, show the department, and click on "Search."

NOTE: the clearance request number is the one that PIMS gave you in the confirmation email; you can also find it by omitting the request number from the search and then choosing the appropriate request from the list presented).

When you click "Search,"PIMS presents a row of information about the request (or as many rows as there are requests if you had not entered a particular request number), including the request number of each.

Click on the appropriate Clearance Request Number. This opens a page entitled "Cancel a ...Clearance Request" (title varies with the nature of the original request).

Select the appropriate cancellation reason and submit.

You will see a "Thank you" message on-screen. No confirmation e-email is provided.

NOTE: If you had received a clearance number, PIMS will record that you cancelled the action; the clearance number will be invalid and cannot be used. Make an appropriate notation in your files.

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7. Request Clearance to Appoint a Priority Person

This is for cases where the department wants to appoint a priority person but there is no outstanding Priority Referral Feedback Form (PRFF) relevant to the position on which to report the appointment.

If the department has an outstanding PRFF relating to the position, then that PRFF must be used. (If necessary, note that the PRFF has a facility for adding the names of priority persons who came to the attention of the department in ways other than a PSC referral).


Go to Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment. Choose "Priority Clearance Only." Choose "Appointment of a Priority Person;" enter the person's Family Name, PRI and/or PRN (Priority Reference Number) and submit .

If the person has an active registration in the priority system:

You will receive an immediate clearance number by email. Retain that message, and evidence that the person is qualified, on the department's files for oversight purposes. Priority Clearance is subject to the results of monitoring by the PSC.

You must provide documented evidence of this appointment as soon as possible to the appropriate PSC priority officer (e.g., accepted offer in writing), including the position number, classification and location, appointment effective date, and appointment tenure.

A PSC priority officer will monitor each case to verify that a priority entitlement is applicable and that the appointment has taken place.

As per the situation, the priority officer will then remove the person from the active priority inventory and from outstanding referrals or place the person in reinstatement priority status (if an indeterminate appointment) or retain the person in his or her original priority status (if a term appointment). The PSC will also remove the person from the Feedback Form created from your request.

If the person does not have an active registration, you will see the following on-screen message: "You must enter an active priority name, where the name matches the entered PRI or PRN."

If you have made an error, just correct it and resubmit.

If the person does not have an active registration, and:

If your department is the person's home department, submit a registration (unless it's a Ministers' Staffs or a Reinstatement priority) and call your usual priority administration contact in the PSC to request immediate activation of the entitlement. If the PSC verifies the entitlement, you can submit your clearance request. (Ministers' Staffs and Reinstatement priorities are registered only by the PSC; contact PSC Priority Administration).

If your department is not the home department, call your PSC contact, who will arrange for registration.

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8. Clearance to Appoint in View of Section 31 of PSEA

Section 31 of the PSEA: (note: same wording in s. 43 of the new Act):

"Notwithstanding ...(priority entitlements)..., if the Commission is of the opinion that the appointment of a person having a right to appointment in priority to other persons ... will result in another person having a priority right, the Commission may decide not to apply that provision to that case."

This is an exceptional situation that requires caution and a priority clearance in each case. It means that, a work unit would be affected by workforce adjustment such that the addition of a priority person from outside the affected unit would cause there to be a lack of work and, therefore, the need to declare someone else surplus would result. The department could then decide not to appoint the priority person in favour of appointing someone from within the unit. Consult your delegation agreement and the PSC's staffing consultants for further guidance as well as your intra-departmental policies on this subject.


Under Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment, choose Priority Clearance Only. Complete as per normal. Under the heading General Appointment Processes, choose N. (4.3) Appointment in light of s. 31 PSEA and explain fully in the Additonal Information field. You will receive an immediate clearance number in your email.

NOTE: priority clearance requests citing s.31 of the Act will be subject to particular monitoring and the department must retain full explanations on file and be able to justify the decision.

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9. To View a Priority Person's Resumé - to screen/assess

PIMS contains an electronically accessible résumé for most priority persons, to assist with screening. It is stored on each person's registration form. Departments should contact priority persons if the position being staffed contains unique features which might not be reflected in a generic résumé.

To find a résumé in PIMS you will need the priority person's name, PRN (Priority Reference Number) or PRI and home department.

When priority persons are referred, PIMS provides that information in the referral email and in the Priority Referral Feedback Form. Priority persons who self-identify should provide you with that information (to verify their entitlement, see the next section).


On the PIMS home page, click on "Register a Priority Person", choose the person's home department, select "Update ...." and press "Continue."

In the Search Criteria field, enter the person's name and PRN or PRI, choose Search Active Priorities, and press "Search."

PIMS will display a one-line summary of the person's record, including name and PRN, or will inform you that there was no match or an error. If correction does not produce a match, and your department is the person's home department, register the person. If not, contact the PSC.

Click on the PRN to open the registration record of the person and scroll down to "Priority Person's Résumé." This page also displays contact information.

Ensure that you do not inadvertently change and/or submit the document. Note that all changes submitted are first reviewed by a PSC priority administrator, who must activate the changes before they are accepted by PIMS.

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10. How to Verify a Person's Entitlement

When a person self-identifies to a department, claiming an entitlement to a priority appointment, the department must ensure the entitlement exists and applies to the staffing situation in question, before making an appointment. Verification of entitlement rests on the PSC having accepted the person for priority registration, and on the registration being active or current, so search to see if the person has a current active registration, as follows:

On the PIMS home page, click on "Register a Priority Person," choose the person's home department, select "Update ...." and press "Continue."

In the Search Criteria field, enter the person's name and PRN or PRI, choose Search Active Priorities, and press "Search."

PIMS will display a one line summary of the person's record, including name and PRN, or will inform you that there was no match or an error. If correction does not produce a match, and your department is the person's home department, register the person. If not, contact the PSC.