Departments are responsible to conduct a final screening and assessment of all referred priority persons and to report the results to the PSC, by using the Priority Referral Feedback Form which is available on PIMS for each clearance request that results in referrals. Departments must also explain the results to the priority persons they assessed. The PSC will evaluate the results and either issue or deny a priority clearance number.
On the PIMS front page, choose "Priority Clearance and/or Recruitment Services."
On the page that opens, choose "Feedback to PSC on Priority Referrals" and enter the Request Number (available on your email or in PIMS) which produced the priority referrals on which you wish to provide feedback. Next, select "Continue."
On the PIMS Priority Referral Feedback Form (PRFF) which opens, you will see a listing of all the persons who had been referred for that clearance request and on whom a report is required. The completed box to the far right of each person's name will contain a check mark if the form has already been filled in for that person. If there is no check mark, it means the report on that person has not been completed.
To view edit or complete the referral result for a person, click on the name. The resulting page displays particulars about that person; they appear at the bottom of the page, after the list of referred priority persons, so scroll down if necessary. Complete the last three data fields:
You can complete the form one by one for each person at different times as you complete the assessments of those persons, or you can complete the form for all persons at the same time. When you have finished making entries for each person, click on "Save." The information will be saved, awaiting the day that you finish the form for all the referred persons.
When you complete and save the form for the last person, click "Submit.". When you click Submit, you will then see a Thank You message on the screen and receive a confirmation email from PIMS.
If you need to change the information pertaining to a person:
Responsibility to Inform Priority Persons of Results:
The department must inform each priority person who is not being appointed of his or her results and the reasons.
Priority Clearance:
The PSC will evaluate your results as reported on the Feedback Form. When satisfied, the PSC priority officer will instruct PIMS to send you an email containing your priority clearance number. As always, priority clearances are subject to suspension by the PSC if monitoring or complaints make such action necessary. The PSC will not normally refer other persons after having issued a clearance but could do so if faced with unusual placement situations.
Non-Referred Priority Persons:
Sometimes departments are contacted by priority persons to be considered for a position which the department is staffing, but who were not referred by the PSC. At other times, departments identify priority persons on their own. In all such cases, the department must verify that the person is truly entitled to a priority and then assess and appoint the person if he or she is qualified.
If the department intends to appoint the person, it must report the appointment and get clearance for it.
If there is no outstanding Priority Referral Feedback Form for the position in question, the department must submit a Request for Priority Clearance to Appoint a Priority Person.
If the department has an outstanding Referral Feedback Form for the position, the department must add the person's name to the form, complete it, showing the person is being appointed, and submit the form as per usual.
If the department does not intend to appoint the person, and there is an outstanding Priority Referral Feedback Report for the position, the department must add the person's name to the form, complete and submit the form as per usual. If there is no outstanding referral feedback form, no report is needed –but the department must as usual inform the person of the assessment results and deal with any queries and complaints. Priority persons can ask the PSC to investigate if dissatisfied.
If the department does not intend to appoint the person, and there is an outstanding Priority Referral Feedback Report for the position, the department must add the person's name to the form, complete and submit the form as per usual. If there is no outstanding referral feedback form, no report is needed –but the department must as usual inform the person of the assessment results and deal with any queries and complaints. Priority persons can ask the PSC to investigate if dissatisfied.
If you have your Request Number, follow the steps of Section 11 to open the relevant feedback form and view the list of persons referred for whom results have not yet been entered.
If you are monitoring your department's timeliness of handling referrals, you can use the Report section of PIMS to show you the request numbers of your department's outstanding referrals, along with dates and duration outstanding. See Part V.
Open the Feedback form. Click on the box entitled "Add a Priority Person." A search page is displayed. Enter the person's Last or Family name, plus their PRI or PRN. Press "OK."
An error message means the person is not registered, or you made an mistake.
If the person is a registered priority, a blank Feedback Form is displayed
containing that person's name at the top (along with other referred
persons). Click on the person's name. That will open a completed feedback
form except for the Results Field. Complete the results field when appropriate.
Press "Save" when finished. Press "Submit" when the
report for all priority persons has been completed.
If you are in the midst of completing an outstanding Referral Feedback Form, and are adding a priority person to the list, PIMS will advise you on the screen if the person does not have a priority entitlement.
You can also go to the PIMS Registration section and conduct an Update search of the Active Priorities; if the person is registered, and the registration is current (active) the person's registration information will be displayed (do not press the submit button).
If the person is not identified by PIMS as having a priority, call the PSC office or, if you are the home department, submit a registration request.
See section # 10 for more details.