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Public Service Commission of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

PIMS Manual: Part I - Introduction & Detailed Table of Contents

The Priority Information Management System (PIMS) is an electronic Web-based tool of the Policy Branch of the Public Service Commission (PSC). It helps ensure that entitlements to a priority in appointment, as mandated by the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) are observed and that the entitlements are valid. It lists priority persons in a carefully vetted inventory, which is then searched by departments as a first step in staffing or recruitment (a process known as "priority clearance").

PIMS replaces the internal PSC system and the Robot Internet forms with which departments have been working for several years. It does everything the old system did but provides new tools as well. PIMS continues to give departments a way to register priority persons and to conduct priority inventory searches for priority clearance. In addition, departments can now go online to: view a priority person's résumé; send referral results to the PSC; get a list of their own priority persons, and; generate statistical reports to help manage their responsibilities in priority administration. The PIMS electronic forms look like and are as easy to use as the Robot forms they replace. PIMS also continues to provide links to the recruitment services of the Staffing and Assessment Services Branch of the PSC.

The level of detail of the users'manual is geared to the needs of new inexperienced users. Users experienced with the Robots which PIMS replaces will find much of the PIMS to be familiar and intuitive. However, some new features may require special attention, especially the procedures to update and cancel new priority registrations, to submit Priority Referral Feedback Reports, to view a list of your own department's priority persons, and to generate statistical reports.

Access to PIMS

Restricted to PubliService subscribers with a valid HR password.

Go to https://extranet5.psc-cfp.gc.ca/pims and enter your User ID and Password. If you do not have a User ID and Password, or have forgotten your password, go to: https://jobs-emplois.publiservice.gc.ca/admin/admin/login.jsp and, as needed, click on "Staffing Personnel Registration Form" or "Have you forgotten your password?". The User ID and Password are issued to HR professionals by Publiservice to post Public Service Staffing Notices and to access the PIMS.

Need Help?

For priority administration contact a PSC Priority Officer in the Policy Branch in your region, or consult the PSC's Priority Administration Web page, which contains links to many useful references.

When completing the PIMS form, if you have any questions relating to recruitment, including posting information, please contact Loree Mann from the Staffing and Assessment Services Branch at (613) 947-9737.

Detailed Table of Contents

Part 1 - General Introduction - Applies to the Use of All the Tools

  • General Comments + Access to PIMS
  • Detailed Table of Contents + Description of the PIMS Process / Hints

Part I I - Priority Registrations
General Instructions + Supporting Documents Required, by Priority Type

1. To submit a New Registration
2. To Update a Registration or Change Priority Type
2.1 To View a List of Priority Persons from Your Department (via Update)
3. To Cancel a Registration Request or Remove a Registrant

Part III - Clearance (&/or Recruitement) Requests
General Instructions

4. To Request Priority Clearance (and/or Recruitment)
5. To Update a Request
6. To Cancel a Request
7. To Request Clearance to Appoint a Priority Person
8. To Request Clearance To Appoint in Accordance with s. 31 PSEA
9. To View a Résumé - For screening / assessment
10. To Verify Entitlements - If a Person Self-Identifies (not referred by PSC)

Part IV - Priority Referrals / Feedback Form / Clearance
General Instructions

11. To Complete (or Update) a Referral Feedback Form and submit to PSC
12. To Look Up Outstanding Referrals - see PART V Generate a Report
13. To Add A Person to the Feedback Form
14. To Verify the Entitlement of Persons Who Have Self-Identified as Priorities

Part V - Generate Reports - To Monitor & Manage

  • Introduction, List of Report Topics, Procedures

Part VI - Recruitment

15. General Instructions
16. Employment Equity Appointment Processes
17. External Appointment Processes
18. Documents to accompany request
19. Job Posting Information
20. Requesting Referrals From FSWEP

Process Overview: PIMS Activity Flow

Priority Registration:

  • Departments submit Registrations, Updates and Cancellations; using PIMS forms, departments also paste corroborating documents and résumés into the form or send via fax, mail, etc.
  • PSC Priority Officers (PO) approve the entitlement, interview the priority person, code and finalize (activate) the registration, advise priority persons about the nature of their entitlement and the priority process and the effect of WFA on their priority entitlement.

Priority Clearance:

  • Departments complete and send requests for Priority Clearance (and/or recruitment);
    • PIMS searches the priority inventory (or sends the request to recruitment specialists - except that if the request is for both priority clearance and recruitment it is only sent to recruitment after priority clearance has been granted).
  • If PIMS finds no match in the priority inventory:
    • PIMS issues a clearance # to the Dept via email ("auto-clearance")
    • PSC PO monitors quality of searches and intervenes as needed.
  • If match identified by PIMS:
    • PIMS loads the names into a Priority Referral Feedback Form, informs department via email that PSC staff will screen identified matches further; sends email to PSC PO.
    • PSC PO screens the names further, completes the Feedback Form to remove screened out persons (this leaves a short list, unless all are "screened out by PSC"); monitors search criteria:
      • if all are screened out, PIMS issues a clearance number to the department via email
      • if some are screened in, PIMS removes the names screened out (stores them in a separate file not accessible to departments) and sends short-listed referrals to department via email, specifying name, Priority Reference Number, and home department.
    • Hiring department opens priority persons' registration form for contact information / résumés, contacts priority persons for interest, screens and assesses, explains results to priorities.
    • Department retrieves Feedback Form from PIMS using their original Request Number, completes and sends the Feedback Form to the PSC (instead of faxing or mailing assessment results to PSC as in the past).
    • PIMS sends email to PSC PO on receipt of Feedback Form
    • PSC PO evaluates the departments' feedback, seeks further information as needed
    • PSC PO completes the PSC ONLY portion of the Feedback Form to instruct PIMS to issue a clearance number or to deny clearance, as appropriate. If clearance is granted, and if recruitment had also been requested, PIMS forwards request to recruitment section if necessary.
    • PIMS sends an appropriate email to the department (to provide a priority clearance number or to deny clearance).

Using a Scroll-Wheel to Navigate Withing a PIMS Form


As with all Internet-based forms, if you use the scroll wheel on your mouse to move up and down within the form, you MUST BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that none of the drop down lists on the form are active (i.e., they must not be highlighted). This is because each click of the scroll wheel would change the item that you had selected from that drop down list.