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Library and Archives Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

The Public


Library and Archives Canada (LAC) provides services to members of the public who wish to consult the documents of its collection or order photocopies and reproductions.

Our reference specialists are available:

  • To help with your research
  • To help find answers to your questions
  • To assist you in using our collections and resources

Research Tools
Search our website's databases to find references to a large number of our documents.

Ask Us a Question
We can answer your questions or help you find a reference to the document you are looking for.

Consulting and Borrowing Material
Useful information for consulting the collection.

Preparing for a Visit
Plan your visit to the main building of LAC, located at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa.

Photocopies and Reproductions
How to order photocopies and reproductions of documents.

Conditions for Access to and Use of Documents
These pages describe conditions for access and use which could apply to some documents.

Services to the Public from A to Z