Report on Plans and Priorities
The Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) is an expenditure plan for Human Resources and Social Development Canada and Service Canada. This report provides details on our organization's main priorities over the next three years by strategic outcome(s), program activity(ies) and expected results, including links to related resource requirements.
Departmental Performance Report
The Departmental Performance Report (DPR) reports on the department's achievements related to commitments set out in the Report on Plans and Priorities.
Main Estimates (2006-2007)
The Main Estimates report provides a detailed listing of the resources required by Human Resources and Social Development and Service Canada for the upcoming fiscal year in order to deliver the programs for which we are responsible. This document identifies the spending authorities and the amounts to be included in subsequent Appropriation Bills that Parliament will be asked to approve to enable the government to proceed with its spending plans.
Reports to Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary standing committees are permanent committees established by the Standing Orders of the House of Commons. Most standing committees are also mandated to oversee one or more departments. They examine relevant legislation, the activities and expenditures of the department, and the effectiveness of the department's policies and programs. This section provides access to departmental responses to Standing Committees that oversee our department.
HRSDC Sustainable Development Strategy