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When RPM Weekly debuted on February 24, 1964 it was a four-page newsletter born out of Walt Grealis' dream to create and promote a dynamic Canadian music industry. Critics initially dismissed the publication, geared towards radio programmers and industry insiders, saying that it was not likely to last more than a couple of issues. Over the next 36 years Walt Grealis, and later his partner Stan Klees, helped shape the face of Canadian music. They helped establish Canadian content regulations and created the Maple Leaf Awards -- renamed the Junos -- and the Canadian Country Music Awards. By the end of its successful run in 2000, RPM had not only had evolved into a full-size glossy, it had made an indelible impact on music history.

This site celebrates the exceptional contributions of Walt Grealis and Stan Klees and the wide-reaching influence of RPM Weekly. In partnership with the AV Preservation Trust, Library and Archives Canada has digitized every chart printed during the full publication run of the periodical -- over 10,000 charts! The database is designed to allow researchers and fans to search the charts by date, artist, song and chart type, from country hits to top singles.