Frequently Asked Questions
Financial Benefits
Social Insurance Number
Workplace and Employer Information
Other Information
How do I...
- find a job ?
- find information about career planning?
- find a summer job?
Financial Benefits
How do I...
- apply for Employment Insurance?
- obtain information on the Canada Pension Plan?
- obtain information on Old Age Security?
- request a review of my Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security account to ensure I am receiving my full benefit entitlement?
- save for my child’s education?
- apply for a government-funded student loan?
- check the status of my government-funded student loan?
- repay my government-funded student loan?
- view my Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions online?
- view and update my Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security personal information?
Social Insurance Number
How do I...
- obtain a Social Insurance Number?
- replace my Social Insurance Number card?
Workplace and Employer Information
How do I...
- obtain local labour market information?
- obtain information on hiring workers ?
- obtain information on hiring foreign workers?
- order blank Records of Employment (ROEs)?
Other Information
How do I...
- find a local office?
- obtain information on grants and contributions?
- obtain information on other Government of Canada programs or services ?
- respond to a call for proposals?
- submit an Access to Information Request?