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RPP 2007-2008
Privy Council Office and Public Appointments Commission Secretariat

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Organizational Information

The Privy Council Office reports directly to the Prime Minister and is headed by the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet.

The Prime Minister's overall responsibility is to provide leadership to create and sustain the unity of the Ministry required to maintain the confidence of Parliament. The Prime Minister demonstrates this leadership in two distinct ways:

  • through the exercise of unique authorities as head of government; and
  • through the management and coordination of the Government's agenda, as Chair of Cabinet

The core functions of the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet and those of the entire PCO flow directly from these responsibilities. The strength of PCO is in large measure determined by its ability to concentrate its resources on supporting exclusively these two central responsibilities, in addition to helping the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet fulfill his role as head of the Public Service.

The PCO organization chart is shown below. Further information on the roles and functions of PCO are available on the PCO website at www.pco-bcp.gc.ca.

Organizational Chart

Departmental links to the Government of Canada outcomes

2007-2008 (thousands of dollars)
  Budgetary  Total 
Main Estimates
Adjustments (planned spending not in Main Estimates)
Total Planned Spending
Contributions and Other Transfer Payments
Strategic Outcome: Towards effective government policies and operations, the Privy Council Office ensures that decision making by the Prime Minister and Cabinet is well supported and the institutions of executive government are well supported and maintained.
Program Activity # 4 126,753 550 127,303 127,303 764 128,067

Program Activity #4 contributes to the achievement of all Government of Canada outcomes.


Table 1 - Departmental Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents

(thousands of dollars) Forecast
2 2007-2008
Support for Cabinet decision making and the legislative agenda 5,514 5,435 5,434 5,434
Advice to the Prime Minister and ministers on issues, policies, machinery and appointments 70,458 59,216 59,280 59,280
Provide Cabinet with sound advice on the development, coordination and implementation of the policy agenda 29,756 22,557 22,555 22,555
As its head, the Clerk leads the Public Service in effectively supporting Cabinet and serving Canadians 7,231 7,183 7,183 7,183
Provide the Prime Minister's Office and the offices of the portfolio ministers with financial and administrative support 33,273 27,204 27,200 27,200
Provide commissions of inquiry with appropriate administrative support (see Table 1a) 488 5,708 - -
Total Main Estimates 146,721 127,303 121,652 121,652
Procurement Savings - PWGSC (780) - - -
Supplementary Estimates A
   Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 13,531 - - -
   Operating budget carry forward 6,268 - - -
   Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar 2,749 - - -
   Adjustments to ministers' offices budgets 3 (5,333) - - -
   Transfers to other departments (see Table 1b) 3 (13,434) - - -
   Collective bargaining - 524 520 520
Supplementary Estimates B
   Treasury Board Vote 10 - 135 - -
   Treasury Board Vote 15 1,983 - - -
Total Adjustments 4,984 659 520 520
Employee Benefit Plan (EBP) (1,233) 105 104 104
Total Planned Spending 150,472 128,067 122,276 122,276
   Total Planned Spending 150,472 128,067 122,276 122,276
   Less:Non-Respendable revenue (see Table 4) 850 850 850 850
   Plus:Cost of services received without charge (see Table 3) 19,494 16,928 17,109 17,185
Net Cost of Department 169,116 144,145 138,535 138,611
Full-Time Equivalents 922 937 930 930

Spending trend
The variation in PCO's Planned Spending is largely due to commissions of inquiries. The number of commissions of inquiries PCO supports varies from one year to another.
  1. Planned spending does not include costs related to the Internal Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Elmaati and Muayyed Nureddin created by Order in Council #2006-1526 effective December 11, 2006. The terms and conditions of a contribution program and funding for the contribution program and the operation of the Inquiry will be sought later in the year.
  1. For 2007-2008 and future years, resources related to reductions for ministers offices, budgets and transfers to other departments and agencies have been made through the 2007-2008 Annual Reference Level Update.


Table 1a) - Departmental Planned Spending - Details for the Program Activity: Provide commissions of inquiry with appropriate administrative support

  (thousands of dollars) Forecast
4 2007-2008
Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar 
   Main Estimates - - - -
   Adjustments 14,324 - - -
   Planned Spending 14,324 - - -
Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182
   Main Estimates - 488 - -
   Adjustments 8,999 2,796
   Planned Spending 8,999 3,284 - -
Total Commissions of Inquiry





   Main Estimates - 488 - -
   Adjustments 23,323 2,796 - -
   Planned Spending 23,323 3,284 - -

  1. Planned spending does not include costs related to the Internal Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Elmaati and Muayyed Nureddin created by Order in Council #2006-1526 effective December 11, 2006. The terms and conditions of a contribution program and funding for the contribution program and the operation of the Inquiry will be sought later in the year.


Table 1b) - Transfers to Other Departments as a Result of PCO Reorganization 5

(thousands of dollars) Forecast Spending 2006-2007
Transfer to Canadian Heritage (PCH) 6 (12) (1,731) (210) (1,941)
Transfer to Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) 7 (59) (6,092) (748) (6,876)
Transfer to Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) 8 (33) (3,077) (515) (3,592)
Transfer to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) 9 (11) (1,400) (210) (1,610)
Transfer to Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) 10 (5) (492) (79) (571)
Transfer to Industry Canada (IC) 11 (2) (475) (58) (533)
Transfer to Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) 12 0 (167) (31) (198)
TOTAL (122) (13,434) (1,887) (15,321)

  1. Resources for 2006-2007 have been transferred through the 2006-2007 Supplementary Estimate A. Future year resources have been transferred through the 2007-2008 Annual Reference Level Update.
  1. The Official Languages Secretariat was transferred to Canadian Heritage effective February 6, 2006.
  1. The Regulatory Affairs Secretariat, Smart Regulation and the Regional Offices in the Communications and Consultation Secretariat were transferred to TBS effective July 1, 2006. Funding for Smart Regulation was only approved for 2006-2007. As a result, the overall amount to be transferred in 2007-2008 and future years will be less than the amount in 2006-2007.
  1. The Policy Research Initiative was transferred to HRSDC effective June 1, 2006.
  1. The Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat was transferred to INAC effective April 1, 2006.
  1. The Border Task Force was transferred to PSEPC effective June 1, 2006.
  1. The National Science Advisor was transferred to IC effective May 8, 2006.
  1. The Senior Advisor Responsible for Diversity and Special Projects was transferred to PSHRMAC effective August 1, 2006.


Table 2 - Voted and Statutory Items Listed in the Main Estimates

(thousands of dollars) 2007-2008 2006-2005
Vote or Statutory Item Truncated Vote or Statutory Wording Main Estimates Main Estimates
1 Program expenditures 114,162 130,714
(S) Prime Minister's salary and motor car allowance 153 150
(S) President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification - salary and motor car allowance 75 73
(S) Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State (Seniors), salary and motor car allowance 75 73
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 12,839 15,695
Items not required
- Ministers without Portfolio or Ministers of State, motor car allowance - 17
Total Department 127,303 146,721

Major variances between 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 Main Estimates

The reduction of $19.4 million is mainly due to reductions related to the transfer of responsibilities to other departments and to the reduction to ministers' budgets related to the new Ministry. Also, additional reductions related to the Expenditure Review Committee will occur in 2007-2008. These reductions are offset by an increase for the commissions of inquiry and for the statutory ajustments related to the employee benefit plans and collective bargaining agreements.


Table 3 - Services Received Without Charge

(thousands of dollars) 2007-2008
Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) 10,644
Contributions covering employer's share of employees' insurance premiums and expenditures paid by TBS 4,902
Workers compensation coverage provided by Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) 10
Salary and associated expenditures of legal services provided by Justice Canada 1,372
Total 2007-2008 Services Received Without Charge 16,928


Table 4 - Sources of Non-Respendable Revenue

Non-Respendable Revenue
(thousands of dollars) Forecast
Support for Cabinet decision making and the legislative agenda
Refunds of previous year's expenditures 5 5 5 5
Adjustments to prior year's payables 5 5 5 5
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1 1 1 1
11 11 11 11
Advice to the Prime Minister and ministers on issues, policies, machinery and appointments
Refunds of previous year's expenditures 118 118 118 118
Adjustments to prior year's payables 105 105 105 105
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 11 11 11 11
Sale of statutory instruments pursuant to the Statutory Instruments Act 1 1 1 1
Policy Research Initiative (PRI) Conference Revenues 4 4 4 4
Revenues pursuant to the Access to Information and Privacy Act
239 239 239 239
Provide Cabinet with sound advice on the development, coordination and implementation of the policy agenda
Refunds of previous year's expenditures 26 26 26 26
Adjustments to prior year's payables 34 34 34 34
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 4 4 4 4
Sundries 1 1 1 1
65 65 65 65
As its head, the Clerk leads the Public Service in effectively supporting Cabinet and serving Canadians
Refunds of previous year's expenditures 6 6 6 6
Adjustments to prior year's payables 7 7 7 7
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 1 1 1 1
Proceeds from sales 7 7 7 7
21 21 21 21
Provide the Prime Minister's Office and the offices of the portfolio ministers with financial and administrative support
Refunds of previous year's expenditures 45 45 45 45
Adjustments to prior year's payables 40 40 40 40
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 8 8 8 8
Proceeds from sales - - - -
93 93 93 93
Provide commissions of inquiry with appropriate administrative support
Refunds of previous year's expenditures 11 11 11 11
Adjustments to prior year's payables 410 410 410 410
421 421 421 421
Total Non-Respendable Revenue 850 850 850 850


Table 5 - Resource Requirements by Branch

Planned Spending 2007-2008 13
(thousands of dollars) Support for Cabinet decision making and the legislative agenda Advice to the Prime Minister and ministers on issues, policies, machinery and appointments Provide Cabinet with sound advice on the development, coordination and implementation of the policy agenda As its head, the Clerk leads the Public Service in effectively supporting Cabinet and serving Canadians Provide the Prime Minister's Office and the offices of the portfolio ministers with financial and administrative support Provide commissions of inquiry with appropriate administrative support Total Planned Spending
Office of the Prime Minister - - - - 17,555 - 17,555
Ministers' Offices
President of the President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification - - - - 3,234 - 3,234
Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State (Seniors) - - - - 2,038 - 2,038
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister of Democratic Reform (LGHC) - - - - 4,881 - 4,881
LGHC salary and motor car allowance - - - - 175 - 175
Sub-total Ministers' Offices - - - - 10,328 - 10,328
Secretariats and Advisors








Clerk and Secretary to the Cabinet - - - 4,997 - - 4,997
Associate Secretary to the Cabinet - 982 - - - - 982
Operations 1,783 12,137 - - - - 13,920
Plans and Consultation - 1,380 18,563 - - - 19,943
Counsel to the Clerk of the Privy Council - 4,718 - - - - 4,718
Senior Personnel and Special Projects - - - 4,221 - - 4,221
National Security Advisor - 19,744 - - - - 19,744
Machinery of Government 3,878 3,926 - - - - 7,804
Senior Foreign Policy Advisor - 4,650 - - - - 4,650
Intergovernmental Affairs - 8,332 5,175 - - - 13,507
Sub-total Secretariats and Advisors 5,661 55,869 23,738 9,218 - - 94,486
Commissions of Inquiry - - - - - 5,708 5,708
TOTAL 5,661 55,869 24,968 7,914 27,873 5,708 128,067

  1. Corporate Services charges have been distributed between Program Activities and Branches
    as per an allocation formula.


Table 6 - Internal Audits and Evaluations

Internal Audits and Evaluations

PCO will be implementing the management action plans for the audits and reviews that were presented to the Audit and Evaluation Committee at the end of 2006-2007:

  • Audit of information technology security at the Privy Council Office
  • Examination of the management framework of commissions of inquiry's contribution programs
  • Internal audit of the procurement and contracting services of the Privy Council Office

PCO will develop a risk-based audit and evaluation plan for 2007-2008 and report on it, as appropriate, leading to a multi-year audit and evaluation plan.

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