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RPP 2007-2008
Privy Council Office and Public Appointments Commission Secretariat

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Main Estimates and Planned Spending

The Planned Spending amount by Program Activity has been adjusted to reflect a better internal allocation of PCO's resources between activities. The 2008-2009 Main Estimates amounts will be readjusted accordingly to better reflect this allocation.

Strategic Outcome

Towards effective government policies and operations, the Privy Council Office ensures that decision making by the Prime Minister and Cabinet is well supported, and the institutions of executive government are well supported and maintained.

Analysis of Program Activities

A.1 Support for Cabinet decision making and the legislative agenda

Financial Resources (thousands of dollars)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 5,435 5,434 5,434
Planned Spending 5,661 5,658 5,658

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 48 48 48
Planned 49 49 49


PCO is the guardian of the Cabinet decision-making process and carries out a coordination function, providing Cabinet and its committees with the support required to prepare for and conduct meetings.

PCO provides consultations, research and advice to facilitate decision making and legislation. PCO also provides advice and support on the management of the Government's legislative and parliamentary agenda to the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform, the Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State (Seniors), and the Secretary of State and Chief Government Whip.

Expected Result Priorities Supported Performance Indicators
Cabinet decision making and legislative agenda are supported
  • Support the Prime Minister in exercising his overall leadership responsibility
  • Report in the Departmental Performance Report (DPR) on the consultation, coordination and integration mechanisms managed by PCO in support of Cabinet decision making and the development of legislation
  • Report in the DPR legislative achievements in relation to the legislative agenda 
  • Report in the DPR on changes made to Cabinet decision-making structures 

A.2 Advice to the Prime Minister and ministers on issues, policies, machinery and appointments

Financial Resources (thousands of dollars)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 59,216 59,280 59,280
Planned Spending 55,869 55,828 55,828

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 437 437 437
Planned 419 419 419


PCO serves as the department for the Prime Minister and also supports ministers in the Prime Minister's portfolio including the President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform, the Leader of the Government in the Senate and Secretary of State (Seniors), and the Secretary of State and Chief Government Whip. It consults with key stakeholders, coordinates advice across government departments and agencies, and provides strategic policy, expenditure and communications advice on social, economic, environment, security and intelligence, foreign and defence issues and intergovernmental relations.

PCO also provides advice to the Prime Minister in respect of the exercise of prerogative matters, including those related to machinery of government, legislation and appointments of senior personnel.

Expected Result Priorities Supported Performance Indicators
The Prime Minister and ministers receive informed and sound advice in support of decision making
  • Support the Prime Minister in exercising his overall leadership responsibility 
  • Focus on key policy areas and strengthen medium-term policy planning 
  • Improve the management and accountability of government
  • Report in the DPR on the consultation, coordination and integration mechanisms managed by PCO in support of Cabinet decision making 
  • Report in the DPR on issues managed by the Prime Minister and Cabinet with PCO support

A.3    Provide Cabinet with sound advice on the development, coordination and implementation of the policy agenda

Financial Resources (thousands of dollars)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 22,557 22,555 22,555
Planned Spending 23,738 23,725 23,725

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 169 169 169
Planned 186 186 186


PCO staff consult with stakeholders, research issues and prepare briefing material on the Government's policy agenda. PCO staff provide guidance to departments and agencies on the Government's policy agenda; advice to Cabinet and the Prime Minister on the development and coordination of the Government's policy agenda and the Speech from the Throne; support for democratic reform and the management of the parliamentary and legislative agenda; and assistance for the development of forward-looking, coherent and integrated medium-term policy advice. PCO also exercises a challenge function in respect of policy proposals being brought forward by departments.

Expected Result Priorities Supported Performance Indicators
Cabinet receives informed and sound advice on the development and implementation of the policy agenda
  • Focus on key policy areas and strengthen medium-term policy planning  
  • Report in the DPR on the consultation, coordination and integration mechanisms managed by PCO in support of policy development 
  • Report in the DPR on policy achievements and activities  

A.4    As its head, the Clerk leads the Public Service in effectively supporting Cabinet and serving Canadians

Financial Resources (thousands of dollars)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 7,183 7,183 7,183
Planned Spending 9,218 9,215 9,215

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 56 56 56
Planned 58 58 58


PCO staff consult stakeholders, research issues, and work with responsible agencies to provide advice on the development and implementation of the overall management agenda for the Public Service and its human resources management policies and programs.

The Clerk established the following five focus areas to be used in building the future of the federal public service: clarity around roles, responsibilities and accountabilities; teamwork; the quest for excellence; leadership and a commitment to renewal of the Public Service; and capacity to think and plan for Canada's future. PCO staff promote and work with all departments and agencies to ensure that these five areas are implemented successfully across government

Expected Result Priorities Supported Performance Indicators
The overall development of the Public Service is fostered
  • Improve the management and accountability of government
  • Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Csanada
  • Report in the DPR on the consultation, coordination and integration mechanisms managed by PCO to provide advice on Public Service human resources management
  • Report in the DPR on achievements and activities

A.5    Provide the Prime Minister's Office and the offices of the portfolio ministers with financial and administrative support

Financial Resources (thousands of dollars)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 27,204 27,200 27,200
Planned Spending 27,757 26,813 26,833

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 271 269 269
Planned 218 216 216


PCO staff provide financial and administrative support to the PMO and to the offices of portfolio ministers.

Expected Result Priorities Supported Performance Indicators
The Prime Minister's Office and the offices of the portfolio ministers receive appropriate financial and administrative support
  • Strengthen PCO's internal management practices
  • Report in the DPR on the results of the client survey

A.6    Provide commissions of inquiry with appropriate administrative support

Financial Resources (thousands of dollars)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 5,708 0 0
Planned Spending 5,708 0 0

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

  2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Main Estimates 7 0 0
Planned 7 0 0


PCO staff provide the required services to commissions of inquiry (from initial start-up to conclusion). A new commission of inquiry, known as the Internal Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Abdullah Almaki, Ahmad Abou-Elmaati and Muayyed Nurreddin, was created on December 11, 2006, and funding for it will be sought through a Treasury Board Submission and Supplementary Estimates. Estimated resource requirements are not known at this time.

Expected Result Priorities Supported Performance Indicators
Commissions of inquiry receive appropriate support
  • Strengthen PCO's internal management practices
  • Report in the DPR on the results of the client feedback

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