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 Archives Search Result 
Searched for: identifier:68
Found: 1 - 10 of 9,144
 1.  The Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company - Station Sites - Application for Approval of the Location of Station Grounds at Yellek, Township of Commanda, District of Nipissing, Ontario, Mileage 234.61 from Ottawa, Ontario
1913. File.
 2.  Operational records of the audit function [textual record]
1987-1993.. Accession.
 3.  Bureau de l'immigration d'Ottawa [document textuel]
1880-1883. Sub-series.
 4.  Ottawa Immigration Office [textual record]
1880-1883. Sub-series.
 5.  Registrateur de navires de Campbellton [document textuel]
1920-1951. Sub-series.
 6.  Campbellton Registrar of Shipping [textual record]
Canada. Registrar of Shipping (Campbellton, N.B.) Registrar of Shipping (Campbellton, N.B.) 1920-1951. Sub-series.
 7.  Documents ministériels de W.C. Clark [document textuel]
1921-1950. Sub-series.
 8.  Audit function [textual record]
1979-1990. Sub-series.
 9.  Operational records of the audit function [textual record]
1989-1993.. Accession.
 10.  W.C. Clark's departmental files [textual record]
1921-1950.. Sub-series.
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Type of material:
Architectural and technical drawings (37)
Art (6)
Films and Videos (101)
Maps and cartographic material (86)
Photographic material (336)
Stamps and postal material (25)
Sound recordings (5)
Textual material (8,660)

Online: Digital
No (9,063)
Yes (81)

Hierarchical Level:
Fonds/Collections (6)
Series (110)
Files (8,406)
Item (553)
Accession (69)

-1900 (1,428)
1900s (1,192)
1910s (1,164)
1920s (608)
1930s (624)
1940s (917)
1950s (1,571)
1960s (3,286)
1970s (1,638)
1980s (565)
1990s (673)
2000+ (15)
Unknown Date (1)
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