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Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre
(formerly the National Archives of Canada)

Opening of the Centre

June 4, 1997 marked the official opening of the Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre in Gatineau. After years of careful planning and construction, the National Archives of Canada was ready to show its new state-of-the-art facility to the world. Dedicated to preserving Canada’s archival heritage, the Preservation Centre provides optimum storage environments for documents and advanced laboratory installations for preservation treatment, copying and related activities. Opening Ceremony
Ribbon Cutting
The public was invited to an open house at the Preservation Centre on the weekend of June 7-8, 1997. National Archives staff enthusiastically provided tours and information to visitors, and a variety of special events and activities were staged to entertain young and old. Over 10,000 visitors took advantage of this unique opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at our facilities and archival treasures. Open House