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Symbol of the Government of Canada


Historical list

Listings of past conferences and seminars of interest in Information Management of the Government of Canada.

Council of Federal Libraries 2004 Annual Fall Seminar
This site provides links to the annual seminars hosted by the Council of Federal Libraries, including presentations addressing a variety of Information Management issues.

Paper Mountain to Data Stream: Information Management in the Government of Canada
ARMA 2004 Conference Presentation by Ian E. Wilson, June 8th, 2004, Vancouver, B.C.

Achieving Excellence in Information Management: A Government of Canada Symposium
On February 13, 2003, Ian Wilson and Margaret Purdy, the Information Management (IM) Champions for the Government of Canada hosted the Symposium to engage senior executives in addressing important IM challenges facing the Government of Canada.

Canadian Metadata Forum 2003
The Canadian Metadata Forum was held September 19-20, 2003 and its purpose was to bring together participants from Canadian metadata communities.

Preservation of Electronic Records: New Knowledge and Decision-Making. September 15-18, 2003
Symposium 2003 – Preservation of Electronic Records: New Knowledge and Decision-making took place in Ottawa on September 15-18, 2003. Co-hosted by the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), Library and Archives Canada (LAC), and the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN).