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Information kit

ADM Taskforce on recordkeeping

Highlights of the Deputy Ministers' Roundtables held on September 19 and October 6, 2006, hosted by Library and Archives Canada and Treasury Board Secretariat. [PDF 319 KB]

Letter to Deputy Ministers asking them to participate in the ADM-level Taskforce on Recordkeeping. [RTF 21 KB] [PDF 12 KB]

Letter to Deputy Heads on the Results of the Roundtables [RTF 93 KB] [PDF 21 KB]

Meetings of ADM Taskforce on Recordkeeping

Meeting, January 11th, 2007

Agenda of the inaugural Meeting of ADM Taskforce on Recordkeeping. [RTF 34 KB] [PDF 27 KB]

Powerpoint presentation by Ian Wilson, Librarian and Archivist of Canada. [PDF 285 KB]

Meeting, January 31st, 2007

Agenda of the Meeting of ADM Taskforce on Recordkeeping. [RTF 555 KB]

Meeting, April 20th, 2007

Agenda of the Meeting of ADM Taskforce on Recordkeeping. [RTF 547 KB]

Recordkeeping Regime

Overcoming Recordkeeping Challenges in the Public Service. [PDF 47 KB]

Terms of reference for the ADM Taskforce on Recordkeeping and Work Groups

Appendix I: Terms of reference for the ADM Taskforce on Recordkeeping [RTF 48 KB] [PDF 21 KB]

Culture of Recordkeeping and RK Regulatory Regime Work Group, Daniel J. Caron [RTF 493 KB]

Electronic Records Sustainability Work Group, Jean-Stéphen Piché [RTF 521 KB]

Legacy Solutions Work Group, Pat Burden [RTF 512 KB]

Capacity Building Work Group, Fabio Onesi [RTF 511 KB]

Monitoring Strategy Work Group, Michel Grenier [RTF 505 KB]

Appendix II: Records Universe [PDF 47 KB]

Appendix III: Record Keeping Value Continuum [PDF 131 KB]

Appendix IV: ADM Recordkeeping Taskforce, Sub-Work Groups Summary Table [PDF 20 KB]