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A complete reference must contain all the elements necessary to locate the document and to place it in its descriptive context. The individual elements of the reference will vary according to the format of the archival document.
Credit line
If an archival document belonging to LAC is reproduced as an illustration or facsimile, the credit line must include as a minimum the name of the author or creator (if known), the name of Library and Archives Canada and the reproduction copy number. This credit line must be placed directly below or beside the reproduction.
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Textual Documents -- Government of Canada
Library and Archives Canada, Geological Survey of Canada fonds, RG 45, "Field Notebooks, Originals" series, volume 135, file "Field Notebook no. 761, B.C., -- Dease River; Yukon -- Laird and Francis River, Frances Lake, 1887, G. M. Dawson", page 33, reproduction copy number C-88047, microfilm reel C-4846.
Credit line
Library and Archives Canada, RG 45, volume 135, Field Notebook no. 761, page 33, reproduction copy number C-88047.
Textual Records -- Private Archives
Library and Archives Canada, Alexander Tilloch Galt fonds, MG 27 I D8, "Family correspondence" series, volume 8, page 3316, letter from Elliot Galt to Mrs. A.T. Galt, 19 June 1898, reproduction copy number C-147457.
Credit line
Library and Archives Canada, MG 27 I D8, volume 8, page 3316, reproduction copy number C-147457.
Audio-visual Documents
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Fonds, the program "Weekend", 2 November 1969, Library and Archives Canada, accession number 1980-0275, item number 9286, video, 90 minutes, consultation copy numbers V1 8205-0042 and V1 2001-01-0040.
Credit line
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Fonds, Library and Archives Canada, audio-visual document 9286, consultation copy numbers V1 8205-0042 and V1 2001-01-0040.
Photographic Documents
William Lyon Mackenzie King Collection, "Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill", 30 December 1941, Ottawa, photograph by Yousuf Karsh, Library and Archives Canada, accession number 1964-087, item number 128, reproduction copy number C-012600
Credit line
Yousuf Karsh, William Lyon Mackenzie King Collection, Library and Archives Canada, accession number 1964-087, item 128, C-012600
For photographs, reproduction copy numbers can also begin with the letters K, TC, RD, PA or a lower case "e" (e.g. K-000114, TC-000427, RD-000874, PA-034474, e002107613).
Documentary Art Records
Jean-Joseph Girouard fonds, "Amable Berthelot, Montreal Prison, 1838", circa 1838, pencil, by Jean-Joseph Girouard, Library and Archives Canada, accession number 1984-81-4, reproduction copy numbers C-133449 and C-128317
Credit line
Jean-Joseph Girouard, Jean-Joseph Girouard fonds, Library and Archives Canada, accession number 1984-81-4, C-133449 and C-128317
For documentary art records, reproduction copy numbers can also begin with a lower case "e" (e.g. e000756947).
Cartographic Documents
Map Specialty Co., Stadacona Rouyn Mines Ltd., "Carte de la région minière de Rouyn", scale 1:90 514, St. Jean (Quebec), 1926, 1 map, colour, 25 cm x 40 cm, Library and Archives Canada, reference number H3/349/Rouyn/1926, reproduction copy number NMC 10218
Credit line
Map Specialty Co., "Carte de la région minière de Rouyn", 1926, Library and Archives Canada, H3/349/Rouyn/1926, NMC 10218
Note For cartographic documents, reproduction copy numbers can also begin with a lower case "e" (e.g. e123456789).
Architectural Documents
J. A. Ewart, "Technical School, Albert Street, Ottawa, Drawing No. 1, Basement Floor Plan", scale 8 feet = 1 inch [1918], Library and Archives Canada, J. A. Ewart Collection, accession number 76703/13, item 6, NMC 93954
Credit line
J.A. Ewart, "Technical School, Albert Street, Ottawa, Drawing No. 1, Basement Floor Plan", [1918], Library and Archives Canada, NMC 93954
"Alberta, Saskatchewan, 1905-1955, Canada, 30 June 1955, 50 cents", stamp, [Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited], Library and Archives Canada, item number 1989-565.000355-001, reproduction copy number POS-000410
Credit line
Library and Archives Canada, 1989-565.000355-001, POS-000410