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Examples of Reference Numbers

When you complete an Order Form for Photocopies and Reproductions, be sure to include as many details as possible concerning the document you are requesting.

It is important to indicate the reference number of the document. The reference number can contain different elements according to the type of document. Listed below are examples of the information you should be able to provide to obtain a copy of the following documents:

Textual Documents

MG30 - D 211, Francis Reginald Scott Fonds, Volume 86, File 6, "Student Research Materials, n.d." (entire file)

RG 41, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Fonds, Series VI-B-I-6, Volume 956, File 1279, Part 1, "Maison de Radio Canada," 1972 (from page 12 to 35 incl.) 1871 Ontario census returns

RG 31, District 63, Lennox County, sub-district b-1, Fredericksburg Township, pages 22-23, reel C-9995 (name John Smith)

Canadian Expeditionary Force personnel files,
RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box Number: 5387, Sequence Number: 42, surname, given name(s): "Lanthier Alphonse," regimental number or rank (if an officer): 3033498
RG 10, Volume 7938, File 32-120, Reel C-13509

Video Recordings

Consultation Copy Number V1 8205-0042, Item Number ISN 9286

Consultation Copy Number 13-0051, Item Number ISN 273704

Sound Recordings

Consultation Copy Number C10126, Item Number ISN 237354

Photographs and Documentary Art

Andrew Merrilees Collection, Accession 1980-149, Group F, Series IV, "General View of Grain Elevators and Railway"

William James Topley Collection, Accession 1936-270, Series A, Original Item Number 2415, "Misses Meredith"

PA-113772. Lieutenant Mollie Lamb, CWAC War Artist

C-028700. Sir Hugh Macdonald

RD-001289. Claude Jutra, film maker

e000756936. View of children sleighing down a hill, Montréal

1985-198-183 Untitled: Lévesque and Laurin in car crash by Rusins Kaufmanis

Cartographic Documents

F/440 - Port Arthur - 1952, Author: Canada: Mines and Technical Surveys

H3/349/Rouyn/1926, "Carte de la région minière de Rouyn", The Map Specialty Co., St. Jean, Quebec: Stadacona Rouyn Mines, Ltd., c1926

F/540/Calgary/1967, "Calgary and Vicinity," Shell Oil Company, Clark Stone Ltd.

H3/240/Charlottetown/[1956], "Map of the City of Charlottetown & suburbs, P.E.I." drawn by Cyril Lambourne

NMC 23550, Plan of Edmonton Settlement 1904 by E. Deville

F/240/Louisbourg/[1717], "Plan du port de Louisbourg avec la [veue] par le point A," [L'Hermite]

Architectural Documents

McLean and MacPhadyen Fonds, Accession 86703/9, File [213], Item 7

J.A. Ewart Fonds, Accession 76703/13, Item 479

RG 24M, Department of National Defence Fonds, Accession 84503/38, Item 339, NMC 80124

Philatelic Documents

The Victoria Cross, 49¢, October 21, 2004

POS-003711, Canada, 1851, 3 pence

Published Documents

NLC-10086, Hunters in the Snow, by Pieter Bruegel

Coverpage of AMICUS 48747, Cet été qui chantait by Gabrielle Roy

Le Devoir, April 12, 1950, p. B-2

Saturday Night, Vol. 144, Issue 1, Feb. 1999, pp. 4-6