Public Service Commission of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Parties/Partis: John Patrick Redmond v. The Queen

Court # Cour: A-105-80

Judgment/Jugement Day: 1980-06-26

The following are the reasons for judgment of the Court delivered orally in English by


We do not need to hear you Miss Holland. In our view it was within the authority of the Commission under subsection 16(1) of the Public Service Employment Act and not contrary to the statute to use telephone conversations with candidates as a means of determining their qualifications.

Further we do not think the Appeal Board erred in law in concluding on the material before it that the Rating Board's decision to interview candidates by telephone was not unreasonable and that it had not been shown that the appellants were prejudicially affected by the method of assessment used or that any unfair advantage was actually given to any of the successful candidates.

Accordingly, the application is dismissed.