The Canadian Children's Book CentreCopyright -- pre-authorized licence for PIKA: Canadian Children's Literature Database The information loaded into the PIKA database for English-Canadian children's books -- which is included in the bibliographic record under the heading "Notes" and includes information such as the summaries, reading grade level and interest age level -- is provided by The Canadian Children's Book Centre and is protected by copyright. The Canadian Children's Book Centre authorizes you to reproduce this information for non-commercial purposes, on the condition that you inform the Centre in writing and that the information reproduced is accompanied by the following: "© The Canadian Children's Book Centre. Reproduced by permission of The Canadian Children's Book Centre from the National Library of Canada website ( ). Reference: [title of the publication as shown at the end of the summary], [date]." "Non-commercial" use means that the information is for personal use only, which precludes the publication and resale of the information. If you wish to reproduce this information for commercial purposes, you must obtain written permission from The Canadian Children's Book Centre. Please write to:
Communication-JeunesseCopyright -- pre-authorized licence for PIKA: Canadian Children's Literature Database The information loaded into the PIKA database for Quebec and French-Canadian children's books -- which is included in the bibliographic record under the heading "Notes" and includes information such as the summaries and interest age level -- is provided by Communication-Jeunesse and is protected by copyright. Communication-Jeunesse authorizes you to reproduce this information for non-commercial purposes, on the condition that you inform the organization in writing and that the information reproduced is accompanied by the following: "© Communication-Jeunesse. Reproduced by permission of Communication-Jeunesse from the National Library of Canada website ( ). Reference: [title of the publication as shown at the end of the summary], [date]." "Non-commercial" use means that the information is for personal use only, which precludes the publication and resale of the information. If you wish to reproduce this information for commercial purposes, you must obtain written permission from Communication-Jeunesse. Please write to:
PIKA character illustrationsThe copyright in the PIKA character illustrations created by the illustrator, Steve Beshwaty, is owned jointly by the National Library of Canada and the illustrator. PIKA: Canadian Children's Literature DatabaseThe copyright in the website is owned by the National Library of Canada. The word PIKA is an official mark (OM) owned and used by the National Library of Canada. |