If you discover that you made an error in remitting your source deductions during the year, you should proceed as follows:
Remit any shortage as soon as possible using another remittance form, or by writing a short letter giving your Business Number and the pay period for which it applies.
If you over remitted in 2007, reduce your next remittance by the amount of the overpayment. If you over remitted in 2006, attach a note to your T4 summary indicating the reason for the overpayment and whether you want us to transfer this amount to another account or another year, or refund the overpayment to you.
After we have received your information return, we do a Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Review (PIER) to verify that you have remitted the right amount of CPP and EI. To find out what happens when there is a discrepancy, see PIER.
If your remittance is late, we may apply a late-remitting penalty.
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