Learn when to file your return by the allowed timeline and how to ensure that we receive your return by the due date.
You have 90 days to submit a notice of objection to resolve a dispute if you disagree with an assessment or reassessment.
When we refund or apply an overpayment, we pay refund interest from certain dates.
We will calculate late payment interest, refund interest, or both, for the carryback from 30 days after certain dates.
Within 45 days of incorporation, you should receive a notice confirming your Business Number (BN) and summary of accounts including your corporation income tax account.
The corporation's tax year is its fiscal period. A fiscal period has rules that apply to the tax year.
A corporation can use a calendar year for the GST/HST account or use the same fiscal year-end as the corporation income tax account.
For more information, see Change of fiscal year-end.
Keeping Records - Information you need to know about maintaining your records.
Retention period - There is a six-year requirement for keeping your books and records.
Early destruction - In some cases, we may give you permission to destroy your books and records before the six years have passed.