The 2000-2001 Annual Report to Parliament comprises three volumes. The first volume, CCRA Performance Report, provides an agency-wide overview of our program delivery results. The Annex: Supplementary Performance Information by Business Line provides the details on our performance in each of the CCRA's five main business lines. The last volume, CCRA Financial Statements, provides the financial exhibits for our operations and responsibilities in 2000-2001.
The files listed below are available in .pdf format. If you have trouble reading or printing .pdf files, see this notice.
You can download any of the three volumes by selecting:
Also, you can download any section of each volume.
CCRA Performance Report
Annex: Supplementary Performance
CCRA Financial Statements
If you are printing in black and white, please use these versions of Exhibits 4 and 5, and the CCRA performance report card.