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Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

How does the E-PD7A work?

Once you are registered you will be able to access this service through your your financial institution's online banking Web site and access a secure electronic inbox where you can review your statement of account.

You will have the option of making your next remittance immediately online, post-dating an online payment, or saving the electronic statement for later action.

The electronic inbox also provides an accessible and convenient method for us to provide you with information about important changes and new initiatives, as well as providing a link to relevant sections of our Web site. When you log onto your online bank account, any new messages will be highlighted in the inbox.

The statements are available for viewing 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and available online for a minimum of 12 months. After that you will need to have a copy stored on a hard drive or other storage medium such as a floppy disk or a CD.

To start receiving the E-PD7As, see How do you register or deregister for this service?.