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Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

How do you pay your remittances if you receive an E‑PD7A?

The most convenient method for clients who receive the E-PD7A is to make their remittance immediately online or post-date an online payment via their
E-PD7A.  The only financial institution who offer this service at this time is the TD Canada Trust and the National Bank.  Follow the instructions on your financial institution's website to make your remittance.

In most cases the payment will show up on your account the next business day.

There are several other methods to choose from when remitting your payroll deductions.  However, you should remember that if you get your statement electronically, you will not receive a personalized form for payment. 

Consequently, if using other methods of payment you should include a short note that states your business number and the period for which you withheld the deductions to minimize the risk that your payment be misapplied.

See Remittance methods to learn about the other methods.