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Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Competency-Based Behavioural Questionnaire (CBBQ)

Candidate Handbook

Resourcing Standards and Assessment Services
Human Resources Branch

Nov 2006. Test Number: D400

Table of contents

  1. Description of the test
  2. Tips on preparing for the test
  3. Tips for the day of the test
  4. Tips when taking the test
  5. After the test
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Sample Question

1. Description of the test

The Competency-Based Behavioural Questionnaire (CBBQ) is designed to assess Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) behavioural competencies up to level 2. In this multiple-choice questionnaire, you will be asked to report on your work-related experiences. The questions have been carefully developed to represent typical situations that employees encounter while on the job.

The number of questions for each competency ranges from 3 to 9. You will have 15 minutes to respond to all the questions for each competency. Each question is followed by 5 response options. You must select the response option up to a maximum of 3 responses that best represents your actual past experiences. One point is given for each effective answer. No points are deducted for ineffective answers.

This questionnaire is the first step in an assessment that may include a second part. If you score a level 1 followed by an asterisk (*) on any of the competencies assessed, you may be asked to complete the Competency Overview (CO) at a later date in order to determine if, in fact, you have demonstrated behaviours indicative of a level 2. An authorized person (i.e., a competency consultant) will then evaluate the CO. If you do not complete the CO or if you do not submit it by the targeted date, your level 1* will remain however your official result in your employee competency profile will show a level 1.

Your score is valid for an indefinite period of time provided that the test standards do not change.

The retest period for the multiple-choice part of the test is 180 days. The retest period for the CO is 180 days and is separate from the retest period of the multiple-choice part. Once you obtain a 1*, you do not have to re-write the multiple-choice part before being eligible to be re-assessed by the CO. You must, however, observe the 180-day retest period for the CO.

To calculate the retest period for the first part, you must use the date you wrote the multiple-choice portion and for the second part, you must use the date the CO was due. Should you rewrite the test before the retest period has elapsed, your result will not be valid and a new retest period will be imposed from the new test date.

2. Tips on preparing for the test

If you have a disability that could affect your test performance you must inform the responsible Human Resources Advisor, as soon as possible, so appropriate accommodations can be made.

Determine the exact location, date, and time of the test.

Review the sample question to familiarize yourself with the questionnaire's structure.

Review the definition for each competency and think of events or situations where you demonstrated behaviours in relation to the specific CRA behavioural competencies being assessed.

3. Tips for the day of the test

If you do not feel well on the day of the test and find that this will impact on your test results, inform the responsible Human Resources Advisor to make alternate arrangements if possible.

Arrive in plenty of time so that you do not feel rushed or overly stressed. You will not be admitted to the testing room once the testing session is in progress.

Bring a photo ID card, your PRI (for CRA employees only) or applicant number (for non-CRA candidates) with you at the testing session.

4. Tips when taking the test

Read the instructions thoroughly and completely before you begin.

Review the competency definitions provided before responding. Read carefully the 5 response options provided and completely darken to a maximum of 3 circles on your answer sheet, the ones that best matches your past experience. If you darken more than 3 circles, it will be marked as incorrect.

If none of them correspond exactly to your past experience, choose the responses that are most similar to your past experience. If you cannot find any responses that are similar to your past experience, then leave this question without responding and move on to the next. Do not answer the questions based on what you think is the "best" answer. The information you provide in this questionnaire might be subject to verification, by conducting a follow-up based on your responses described in the Competency Overview, if applicable.

Record your response using the pencil provided. Responses recorded in ink cannot be "read" by the scanner.

Ensure that the question number on your answer sheet matches the question number you are answering because each competency has a different block on the answer sheet. For example, the first block on the answer sheet is reserved for Achievement Orientation. It starts at number 1 and ends at number 3. Nothing should be entered in numbers 4 to 10. The next block on the answer sheet is reserved for Adaptability. It starts at number 11 and ends at number 14. Nothing should be entered in numbers 15 to 20.

If you finish the exercise before time is up, review your work.

5. After the test

When the test is over, the test and answer sheets are returned to Resourcing Standards and Assessment Services in Ottawa for scoring. The answer sheet, on which you have entered all your answers, is fed through an optical reader. Your answers are electronically compared to the answer key, and a report on your results is then produced by the local human resources office and forwarded to you.

Since the CBBQ is a standardized assessment tool, you are not allowed to discuss or share its content. Failure to comply with this regulation and/or engaging in a fraudulent practice will result in disciplinary action.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q1. Can I see the test booklet and my answer sheet to verify where I made mistakes?

    A1. You cannot see or obtain a copy of the test booklet because this standardized assessment tool is protected by the Access to Information Act. Section 22 of this act stipulates that:

    "The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains information relating to testing or auditing procedures or techniques or details of specific tests to be given or audits to be conducted if the disclosure would prejudice the use or results of particular tests or audits."

    You are, however, allowed to view your answer sheet in the presence of a Human Resources Advisor but not the answer key.

  • Q2. What recourse rights do I have?

    A2. You may exercise your right to recourse if you feel you have been treated arbitrarily.

    To request Individual Feedback (IF), you must send a Request for Individual Feedback - Resourcing Decision form (RC136) to the Human Resources (HR) office within seven (7) calendar days from the date of notification of the results. In your request, you must provide detailed information as to why you are requesting IF.

    Following the IF, if you feel your concerns have not been answered you may send a Decision Review (DR) request form (RC135 ) and send it to the HR office within seven (7) calendar days from the date of receiving the IF.

    Rescores are no longer part of the recourse process. Therefore, to request a rescore, you must fax your test result sheet with the accompanying letter and a note requesting a rescore to the RSAS Section at (613) 952-0925 within seven (7) calendar days from the date of notification of your results. The result of the rescore will be sent to you by e-mail or by fax usually within ten (10) calendar days.

    There is no formal recourse nor will requests for a rescore be accepted for external selection processes. Managers are encouraged however to respond to the concerns of the candidate.

  • Q3. I think I made a mistake when filling out my answer sheet. Can you verify this for me?

    A3. No. The RSAS Section can only assess the answers as they are provided on the answer sheet. The RSAS Section will not verify the test booklets to see whether answers were recorded in them as it is forbidden to write in the booklets.

  • Q4. Is it possible that an error occurred during the correction of my answer sheet?

    A4. It is highly unlikely that an error occurred, given the stringent correction process in place. Only 0.1% of the multiple-choice test results have to be adjusted after being re-read manually. When a score does change, it is usually because 1) the candidate did not completely darken the circle as instructed and/or 2) the candidate changed an answer but neglected to completely erase the original answer.

7. Sample Question:

The following is a sample question. Carefully read all of the response options and choose ONLY THOSE (to a maximum of 3) that best reflect your past job behaviour / experience.


Personal accountability involves taking personal responsibility for one's activities, meeting obligations, and conducting undertakings in a conscientious and ethical manner. It also involves a commitment to learning and seeking opportunities for development, thereby ensuring that one's work meets high standards of quality.

Question 181

a) I have analyzed my past successes and failures for clues to improvement.

b) I have preferred not to seek feedback, as others usually let me know when improvements are required.

c) I have suggested modifications to current procedures to make them more fair and equitable.

d) I have accepted responsibility for the outcome of my projects, even when they resulted in failure.

e) I have not pursued excellence in my work, as this typically conflicted with efficiency.

If response options (b) and (d) correspond to your typical behaviours on the job, you would darken these circles on your answer sheet next to the corresponding question number.

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