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Banner: Aboriginal Resources and Services - IntroductionBanner: Aboriginal Resources and Services

Me'taleyn, Tansi, Auneen, Sekon, Kwey, Boojhoo, Oki, Welcome, Bonjour

Welcome to the Circle of Aboriginal Heritage and Knowledge of Library and Archives Canada (LAC), a cultural institution whose mandate is to serve all Canadians by protecting, promoting and making accessible Canada's documentary heritage. Here we will gather to celebrate, promote and provide access to a full variety of Aboriginal resources within Canada, both through Library and Archives' collections and services and in partnership with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, associations, language and cultural centres, universities and libraries. The overall goal is to represent through resource materials the incredible diversity of Aboriginal peoples in worldviews, languages, knowledge, cultural heritages, and political, economic and social structures.

LAC offers a wide variety of programs, services and resources available for consultation in person, on our web site or through your local library. LAC has an extensive collection of resources by or about Aboriginal peoples. They include rare dictionaries and grammar books in Aboriginal languages, historical records from both private and government sources such as poster prints of Métis land grants from the period 1876-78 and annual reports from the Department of Indian Affairs dating back to 1864, genealogical resources, art, photographic and cartographic records, audio-visual and sound recordings, Native newspapers, and published and non-published works by Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal resources are continually being made available.