You can claim a deduction for legal fees on line 232 in any of the following situations:
Under proposed legislation you can deduct legal fees you paid to collect or establish a right to collect other amounts, such as wage loss replacement plan benefits, which are included as employment income. (These fees must be deducted on line 229.)
You have to reduce your claim by any award or reimbursements you received for these expenses. If you are awarded the cost of your deductible legal fees in a future year, you will have to include that amount in your income for that year.
For details of other legal fees you may be able to deduct, get IT99R5, Legal and accounting fees.
You cannot claim legal costs you incurred to:
If you pay support, you cannot claim legal costs incurred to establish, negotiate, or contest the amount of support payments.
On line 232, claim the allowable amount of legal fees.
If you are filing a paper return, do not include your receipts but keep them in case we ask to see them. If you are filing electronically keep all of your documents.