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How to Submit Theses Via ProQuest


Universities send theses and/or dissertations to ProQuest, Theses Canada's contractor.

At the time of shipment, universities should notify ProQuest and Theses Canada by e-mail. Indicate the number of theses and the number of boxes that are being shipped. On the boxes, please indicate 1 of X, 2 of X etc. Include a packing list in Box 1 that lists the theses by author name. The list does not need to be in alphabetical order.

ProQuest processes theses shipments in two streams, masters theses and doctoral dissertations. Accordingly, in the interests of efficient turn-around time, please consider sending shipments to ProQuest in two separate batches - theses and dissertations.

ProQuest can be notified by e-mailing or calling:

Ms. Molly Hubenschmidt
1-800-521-0600, ext. 2165

Theses Canada can be notified by e-mailing or calling: theses@lac-bac.gc.ca

Mel Simoneau
819-953-6221 or
1-866-578-7777 (Toll free in Canada)

There are two ways to send shipments:

For universities outside of Ontario and Québec

Choose any courier you wish. Please ensure that you keep the waybill in case a shipment needs to be traced.

Send to:

Line Drive Transportation
1701 Shepherd Avenue East

Attn: from Theses Canada for ProQuest in Michigan

For Ontario and Québec universities:

You may choose any courier you wish. Again, please ensure that you keep the waybill. Your shipment should be sent to the above address.


You may use IUTS (for Ontario universities) or Pébuquill (for Québec universities). Please note, however, that IUTS and Pébuquill are better suited towards shipping smaller items. Boxes may be shipped but will take longer to transport as the vehicles used are generally smaller.

To ship via IUTS or Pébuquill, send to:

University of Windsor
(Theses Canada)
Leddy Library
Windsor, ON  N9B 3P4
Attn: John Minos, Shipping & Receiving

For: ProQuest

A university pays its shipping costs for theses shipments to ProQuest. ProQuest pays for their return. Please do not send shipments to ProQuest C.O.D. They may be returned to you without being processed.

Please note that some brokers have charged fees on return shipments of paper theses from ProQuest to universities. If you encounter this problem, you may want to use ProQuest's broker. For details, please contact Dan Short at UMI/ProQuest by e-mail: dan.short@il.proquest.com or by telephone, 1-800-521-0600, ext. 2142.


If a university does not require its theses to be returned, ProQuest recycles them and pays for the one-way shipping costs.

For those universities that need information about recycling, please contact Barbara Perrine. She can be reached at barbara.perrine@il.proquest.com or at 1-800-521-0600, ext. 4630.

If Barbara is not available John Kisly, at the National Archive Publishing Company, is a secondary contact. He can be reached at johnkisly@napubco.com or at (734) 302-6781.

Theses Submission:

All theses must be accompanied by Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) Theses Non-Exclusive License form, signed by the authors of the theses.

ProQuest accepts both print and electronic theses. Guidelines on how to submit electronic theses to ProQuest can be found at:

Processing of Theses at ProQuest:

At ProQuest theses are reproduced on microfiche and digitized in PDF format.

Using the Library and Archives Canada prefix, ProQuest assigns an ISBN to each thesis.

Our contract with ProQuest stipulates a 90 day turn-around time for all but problem theses.

ProQuest sends two copies of the theses on microfiche to LAC and one copy to the submitting university.

At the end of each month ProQuest invoices LAC for theses processed ((Number of theses multiplied by the total publishing fee (University portion + NL portion)).

ProQuest creates basic MARC records which are sent to Library and Archives Canada via FTP. Universities can arrange to receive MARC records for theses they have submitted. See ProQuest Services for instructions on how to arrange for this. Enhanced MARC records are freely available from AMICUS, Canada's national online catalogue.

ProQuest includes theses abstracts in their database Dissertation Abstracts International. Citations, abstracts and full-text versions of theses are included in their Current Research @ database.

From ProQuest to Theses Canada:

MARC catalogue records from ProQuest are loaded into AMICUS.

When Theses Canada receives shipments of microfiche from ProQuest:

  • universities are invoiced for their portion of the publishing fee;
  • then the theses are sent to Cataloguing where the AMICUS records are enhanced;
  • finally they are sent to the collection at which point they are available on Interlibrary Loan or for onsite consultation.

Theses Canada pays ProQuest invoices when they are received.