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Library and Archives Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

International Standard Numbers (ISNs)

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About CISS

The Canadian ISBN Service System (CISS - pronounced "kiss") provides Canadian publishers with a number of free key benefits:

  • A convenient, easy to use online ISBN logbook;
  • Continuous 24-hour access to their ISBNs;
  • Increased options to send their ONIX bibliographic data to their supply chain partners in XML or Excel formats;
  • Improved management of their present and future titles and ISBN assignments;
  • Faster ISBN transaction times;
  • Access to a technical support line; and
  • Future potential to accept batch submission of bibliographic data.

Instructions on using CISS effectively are provided in the Help section of this website. The Help section outlines the steps required to:

  • register;
  • obtain a user ID and user password;
  • access and use CISS;
  • request an ISBN block;
  • assign an ISBN;
  • update your Publisher Profile; and
  • enter your title and bibliographic information.

We strongly encourage you to use CISS and familiarize yourself with Library and Archives Canada's new electronic environment for Canadian publishers.

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