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Photographs: Canadian Nurses |
Search Syntax
Search Tips
How to Interpret the Results
How to Consult a Record or Order a Copy
The Database
This database contains a selection of approximately 400 descriptions of photographs of nurses held at the Library and Archives of Canada. Approximately 200 photographs have been digitized and are available through this research tool. These photographs cover various themes, dating back to the early 1900s, including the South African War, outpost nursing, nursing education, and hospitals. This database was created in partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association and the Canadian Museum of Civilization's on-line exhibit Canadian Nursing History Collection On-line. For more descriptions of nursing photographs held at the Library and Archives of Canada, please visit the photographs database in ArchiviaNet.
The Search Screen
How do I search by Keyword
A query of the database can be completed using a keyword. The keyword searches the title and the location of the photograph. The title provides a general description of the photograph.
Search by Theme
The 200 digitized photographs in this search tool have been organized according to themes. Researchers can use the dropdown menu to chose a theme and view all photographs associated with that theme.
- Nursing Work
- Outpost Nursing
- Public Health Nursing
- Military Nurses
- Visiting Nursing
- Industrial Nursing
- Specialty Nursing and Sanatoria
- Nursing Education
- Hospital Independent School Diploma
- Nursing Assistants
- Nursing Work
- Acute Care Hospitals
- V.I.Ps Worthy Notables
Search Syntax
If the search brings up too many references, you can reduce the number of hits by using the appropriate logical connectors. Logical connectors AND, OR, ADJ will allow more precision.
For example:
Typing Or will broaden your results and increase the number of hits. If you type Nova Scotia AND Railway, you will get a description combining these two words. Type in Nova Scotia ADJ Railway to obtain all occurrences of these two words together, in the order that you typed them. See Search Syntax to learn more.
Search Tips
Unless you are looking for a specific photograph, conduct your search using limited terms. Truncate if necessary. Use ? to replace a character, and $ to replace a chain of characters to allow for possible misspelling.
For example:
If you type Sm?th, you will obtain Smith, Smyth. If you type Financ$ you will obtain finance, finances, financial, etc.
Limit the search to digitized images only
You can check the box for "descriptions with a digitized image" to limit your search to only digitized images.
How many results per page
A successful query will return a result page. The number of results is determined by the number of records matching your search and the number of references of pages (defaults to 20 references per page).
How to Interpret the Results
Each result page will display a line at the top which indicates the search term(s) used and the number of successful hits or references.
Results Summary List
Your search results will be posted as a results summary list from which you will be able to obtain more detailed descriptions.
The first column is linked to the detailed description (see below). Clicking on the icon will bring you to the detailed description.
The Title column provides the photograph's title; sometimes it is abbreviated. The complete title appears in the detailed description.
The Date column provides the photograph's exact or approximate date.
The Restrictions on use column provides information on access rights to the photograph, if applicable.
The Copyright column provides general information on holders of copyright.
A cross-mark under the column Available On-line column indicates that a digitized copy of the photograph is included in the detailed description.
Detailed Description
When you chose a specific image, click on the icon to get a detailed description. The detailed description includes all or some of the sections described below.
Name of the fonds or collection.
This is the complete title of the photograph as entered in the database, generally as it was described in the lists that accompanied the accession. More specific information may be added within brackets.
Photograph date
Place illustrated in the photograph
Height and width of the image, and platform.
Technical information. (Code book required)
Scope and Content
Various scope and contextual notes on the work, if available.
Reference Numbers
- Reproduction:
This is the copy negative number that is used to order a photographic reproduction.
- Accession:
This is the administrative control number assigned to a group of documents acquired by the National Archives at the same time, and from the same source.
Any notes that were found on the photo, the negative, the album, etc.
- Restrictions on access
Access and use restrictions information. Certain photographs cannot be copied or examined.
- Copyright
Information on holders of copyright
- Credit
Identifies if credit is needed, and to whom.
Finding Aid
Name of the finding aid from which the database information is drawn. These finding aids may contain additional information. This will prove useful for an eventual visit to the Library and Archives Canada.
Additional Information
- Original Number
Number given to the photograph or negative by its creator, prior to acquisition by the National Archives. May be useful if one wishes to consult non-copied documents because photos from the same collection, with the same subject, often have numbers that are close together.
- Type of photo
Technical information. (Code book required: essentially what kind of photograph: nitrate, stereoscopy, calling card)
- Locator Number:
Information allowing the National Archives to locate the appropriate container.
Creator/ Photographer:
Photographer name or name of creator.
Subject Heading
Refers to the photography card catalogue, where a card with the image and caption may be found if a consultation copy has been produced. The catalogue can be consulted in the Reference Room of the Library and Archives Canada. Follow the Visiting Library and Archives Canada link for more information.
How to Consult a Record or Order a Copy
Close to 200 digitized photographs are available on-line, and this number will increase. Some conditions govern the utilization of digital images.
Consulting original documents may not be possible for conservation reasons. Where possible, consultation is done at the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, by appointment.
For more information about the reproduction and consultation services offered by Library and Archives Canada, please follow the Obtain copies and Consulting records links.
Reproduction of archival material is subject to the Copyright legislation and its regulations. This is a highly complex area for both archives and researchers and has a profound effect on the way that the National Archives delivers its services to researchers for protected material.
Copyright can be owned or held by an individual or a group of individuals, a corporation, the Crown, or the public. The terms of protection can vary subject to the author, the nature and the disposition of the material in question, and other considerations. The National Archives of Canada holds a variety of material for which the ownership of copyright may be uncertain due to the mixture of public and private material, or published and unpublished works. One of the major difficulties for both archives and researchers is in identifying and locating the copyright owners.
It is recommended that researchers consult the Copyright Act and seek legal advice where questions regarding the interpretation of copyright arise.
It is not the role of the National Archives of Canada to interpret the Copyright Act for researchers, and researchers must accept responsibility for determining any copyright obligations. Researchers should allow adequate lead time for researching ownership and obtaining permission, as required.