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Banner: Council of Federal Libraries

About CFL

The Council of Federal Libraries (CFL) is an organization of federal government libraries established in 1976 by the National Librarian of Canada as a means of coordinating library services in departments, branches and agencies of the Government of Canada.

The Council recognizes two interdependent factors:

  1. the leading role of the National Library in coordinating and supporting access to Canada's published heritage, resource sharing and library development among Canadian libraries, and
  2. the need for cooperation and concerted action within the community of federal libraries across Canada.

The Council's purpose is to improve the utilization of federal library resources and facilities through coordination and sharing of resources; to advise the National Librarian on matters related to library services and access to information within the federal government; and to promote communication, cooperation and professional development among federal library staff. The Council also serves as a forum for discussion of federal library, information and information technology policies, programs and procedures to inform the Government of Canada. A major goal of the Council is to promote the most cost-effective and efficient information services possible to the staff of parent agencies, other government agencies and the nation at large.