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Agatha Bystram Award for Leadership in Information Management

About the Award
About the Librarian
Eligibility Criteria
Assessment Criteria
The Partners
The Jurors
Contact Information

About the Award
Instituted by the Council of Federal Libraries (CFL) in 1995, the Agatha Bystram Award:

  • recognizes the contribution of Agatha Bystram to the management of federal information resources;
  • celebrates her commitment to service to clients;
  • encourages continued progress in these areas by recognizing other such innovators in her name.

The award consists of a wall plaque displayed at Library and Archives Canada and a framed certificate for each winner. The award ceremony is held every year in conjunction with the CFL Annual Fall Seminar.

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The Librarian

     Agatha Bystram (1934-1994), who spent the last ten years of her career as Director of Library Services at Environment Canada, was one of the federal library community's most respected pioneers in the management of federal information. The Agatha Bystram Award is intended to recognize her tremendous contribution as a librarian and an innovator and to encourage continued progress in the management of federal information resources by recognizing other innovators in her name.

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Eligibility Criteria

  1. Nominees must be federal government employees working in one or more of the following fields: 

    • Library and Information Science
    • Information Management
    • Records/Document Management
    • Access to Information and Privacy
    • Archival Science

  2. Former employees are eligible for the Award for contributions made while employed by the Government of Canada;

  3. Nominators must be federal government employees;

  4. If nomination is based on a proposal, it will not be considered.

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The Assessment Criteria
Nominees will be judged according to the following criteria: 

  • Significantly advanced or improved access for clients

  • Enhanced the image of their department,agency, or function within a wider community

  • Demonstrated outstanding information management skills, initiative and creativity in performing their duties

  • Demonstrated innovative problem solving in operational problems or policy issues related to the information management field

  • Improved work performance through the application of information management techniques

  • Inspired and motivated others in the use and application of information management

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The Partners
The award has become an equal partnership between the federal government and the private sector. Companies are encouraged to sponsor the Agatha Bystram Award each year and one member of the four person jury is from the private sector.

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The Jurors
The Librarian and Archivist of Canada, chairperson of the Council of Federal Libraries, also chairs the award jury. Members of the jury are selected from recognized experts and leaders in the field of information management by the chairperson of the jury in consultation with the Agatha Bystram Award Committee. The jury is responsible for ensuring the identification of appropriate nominees and for selecting the successful candidate.

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Contact Information
For further information, contact:

Council of Federal Libraries
550 Place de la Cité
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0N4
Telephone: 819-934-7427
Fax: 819-934-7534
E-mail: cfl-cbgf@lac-bac.gc.ca