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In many parts of Canada, there has been an increasing use of conferences to assist in making decisions regarding young persons who are involved in the youth justice system. In general, "conference" refers to various types of processes in which affected or interested parties come together to provide advice to decision makers in specific youth justice cases. Conferences were not referred to or authorized in the Young Offenders Act, but are an explicit part of the youth criminal justice system as envisioned by the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA).

Operation and Purpose of Conferences

Conferences generally operate in an informal manner. They can take the form of family group conferences, community accountability panels, sentencing circles and inter-agency case conferences. Conferences provide an opportunity for a wider range of perspectives on a case, more creative solutions, better coordination of services, and increased involvement of the victim and other community members in the youth criminal justice system.

Youth Justice Committees

Youth justice committees are also defined in the YCJA, where one of their functions is specifically to act as a conference.


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