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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

Memorandum of Understanding - ESA,

Memorandum of Understanding Between (Department) and (Component or National Office) With Respect to the (xx) Group

As a result of meaningful consultation, the parties have agreed that the attached list of positions are deemed essential for reasons of safety or security of the public pursuant to subsection 4.(1) of the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA).

Notwithstanding section 126 of the PSLRA, deletion of positions and administrative changes to position numbers such as, for example, cases where there are no changes to the duties, the location or the reporting structure of the positions, do not constitute an amendment to the essential service agreement.  However, the employer must inform the bargaining agent of such deletions and/or changes in a timely manner.  Replacement positions will be dealt with in accordance with subsection 129(1) of the PSLRA.

We agree that (number) positions have been identified as Code 1 (full-time essential), (number) positions have been identified as Code 2 (alternates) and (number) positions as Code 3 (conditionals). 

There are (number) of positions that remain in dispute to be resolved by consultation, mediation or by a decision issued by the Public Service Labour Relations Board (PSLRB).

The attached list constitutes our final recommendation for approval by both the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

Signed at (city and province) on ______________________(date)_______________.

For the Bargaining Agent For the Department
_____________________________ _____________________________

Date Modified: 2007-11-16
Government of Canada