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Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Electronic payments for business - Scotiabank

Visit the Scotiabank Web site to learn more about available services.

  • Federal GST 34 return
    • Use this option to file and pay your GST 34 return.

  • Federal GST 58 remittance
    • Use this option only to pay an amount due (for example, an arrears payment or instalment payment).

  • Federal corporate tax
    • Use this option to pay a balance owing, make a monthly instalment payment or to make a payment on filing when filing your corporate income tax return.

  • Employer source deductions
    • Federal payroll source deductions - Monthly
      - Use this option if you're a regular remitter who's required to pay source deductions on the 15th day of each month.

    • Federal payroll source deductions (twice monthly) - Threshold 1
      - Use this option if your average monthly remittance is a minimum of $15,000 but less than $50,000.

    • Federal payroll source deductions (weekly) - Threshold 2
      - Use this option if your average monthly remittance is $50,000 or more.

  • WCB of Nova Scotia premiums (WCBNS)
    • Use this option to pay a balance owing for your Nova Scotia Workers' Compensation Board account.