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Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Social Development Partnerships Program

The Social Development Partnership Program is administered by the Community Development and Partnerships Directorate and the Office for Disability Issues. It provides funding to non-profit organizations, educational institutions, research institutes, and professional associations working to meet the social development needs of:

  • persons with disabilities,
  • children and their families, or
  • other vulnerable or excluded populations in Canada.

Individuals are not eligible for funding through this program. Organizations may only apply for funding when a Call for Applications or Call for Proposals is open.

More Information

For more detailed information about the Social Development Partnerships Program please consult

Or write to the Community Development & Partnerships Directorate at:

Community Development & Partnerships Directorate
333 River North Road, Mail Stop VA203
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0L1

Or by e-mail: sd-question-ds@sdc-dsc.gc.ca